The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

And they needed to keep that power because of


I donā€™t deny that, but the ways to take that power away from them are mutual agreement, civil war, some sort of coup, andā€¦Iā€™m not sure what else.

No shit. The post you responded to said the system sucks. It does suck.

I just want people to be clear on what is required to create a system that doesnā€™t suck.

Does it change anything if Manchin hailed from one of the biggest states? The system would still suck if Manchin were a Dem who was able to get elected in Texas.

Yeah pretty much civil war and some federal creep. Waiting for the commerce clause to be ignored so we can get back to slavā€¦ Er states rights!

you could move to a state where your voting power is maximized

Iā€™m starting to think God IS on the wrong side.

Fuuuuuuuuucking hell.

Maybe we want to confirm a Breyer replacementā€¦ like, today.

Who was the one a few days ago saying thereā€™s no rush? Lol

88 year old Dianne Feinstein said there was no rush, I know a few others have also said it.

Is it really possible that all 50 Republican senators will unite in opposing the nominee? Romney?

Since it wonā€™t really have much impact, this seems like an opportunity for them to play bipartisanship, then use that to expect reciprocation when Trump nominates Kid Rock or whoever in a few years.

Why wouldnā€™t they go all-out to block Joeā€™s SCOTUS picks?

A few will go along w/ it strategically if confirmation is inevitable, maybe even more than a few if nominee is a corporate shitlib. All 50 will oppose if a D drops dead or Sinema/Manchin go haywire, and they can actually block the nomination.

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If Iā€™m sure of anything, its that Dems will find a way to fuck this up.

When Iā€™m 88, Iā€™ll be in a rush to do everything.


4-6 weeks is the hope for Lujan per twitter. Dems hope if all goes well that they will have their majority back by the middle of March.

ironically that wouldnā€™t change anything, his vote isnā€™t needed until the end, which isnā€™t gonna be until march anyway

Yeah they arent concerned about this yet from a court justice standpoint and I dont think it ultimately is likely to be a big issue on that front. Going to make some other things more interesting though, mostly a bunch of relatively minor shit (FCC and FTC nominations are on hold), but the CR/budget stuff gets harder now I think.
