The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Paging @anon10396289. @anon10396289, do you still think that Russia is not going to invade?

Would also be interested if Trump was actually trying to seize power


Redacted for privacy.


They probably should have replaced it too.

I said that Russia might stage a large raid and then withdraw and/or seize a small pro-Russian area of Ukraine. I said they wouldn’t invade and try to hold a large fraction of Ukraine.

Sure, he wasn’t

Russia is going to take Ukraine bit by bit Israeli pastrami style until there’s nothing salvageable?

I’m not entirely clear on the distinction you’re making between “raiding and seizing a small area of Ukraine” and “invading Ukraine.” Like, if Russia occupied the Donbas would that count?

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I guess we’re about to find out.

I suspect it’s not going to matter, because the most likley scenario is they invade/topple the currrent government and install a puppet. I don’t know if Keeed will be able to turn that into “Russia didn’t actually invade Ukraine and take over” or not.

Read my posts in the Ukraine thread if you want further clarification.

How in the world were my posts unclear? You seem to think that Russian tanks are going to roll in and at the very least Russia is going to seize all of Eastern Ukraine. I don’t think that’s going to happen.

But it’s very obvious you just want to turn this into some point scoring game, so good luck with that.

Right, exactly. That’s why I don’t think the Russians will do that. They might try to annex a particularly pro-Russian enclave but they’d be fools to try to seize and occupy the whole country.

I’m really not? I actually agree with most of your posts in the Ukraine thread about US involvement and NATO involvement, as you can see from my posting in that thread, except for the “they’re not going to invade” part.

Do you really think that toppling the government through force and turning Ukraine into a vassal state isn’t invading? Or do you think they’re not going to do that? I’m genuinely asking.

“Paging” me into an unrelated thread to ask me what I read as a gotcha question put me on the defensive. Sorry.

Of course I think toppling the government by force and turning Ukraine into a vassal state is invading. But a raid followed by withdrawal, or seizing a small, strongly pro-Russian area like Russia did with Crimea, isn’t likely to topple the government, right?

I agree. I don’t think that’s what’s about to happen though. I don’t think Zelensky is still the leader of Ukraine when this thing is done.

How do you think that will go down? Russia invades and occupies all of Ukraine? Sure, that’d do it.

They don’t need to occupy Ukraine indefinitely to topple the government.

The ghost of donald rumsfeld thinks Russia will be greeted as liberators


The number of people held in ICE detention has increased by 70 percent since Biden took office

Federal prison population has grown for the first time in a decade

Covid relief funds are being used to pad local police budgets

Good thing we elected a Democrat.