The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Why would Ukraine leak this? Really strange. If they want to tamp down concern about an imminent invasion, why would you leak that the US thinks an invasion is imminent?

Pro-Russian interests still embedded at the highest level in Ukraine perhaps?

I have no idea why it would intentionally be released by Zelensky, running the risk of driving a political wedge between the superpower standing between them and annexation.

Bet Trumpā€™s call with Ukraine went better than Bidenā€™s

Is Joe going to forgive loans or nah? I have a kid who will be going to college in the fall, I am fine with footing the whole bill but he got a ā€œoffer letterā€ with some scholarship bucks and a ā€œdirect federal unsubsidized loanā€ for a few k, does this accrue interest while heā€™s in school? seems like a potential freeroll.

Gotta be 90%+ if he runs in 2024 or it would be one of the biggest political mistakes ever made. He promised on the trail he would do it. Heā€™s most likely not because heā€™s timing it. Then again what do I know.

Those comments are attributed to a Ukrainian official. WH says theyā€™re not accurate. If it was Trump Iā€™d go with the Ukrainian version. Sure he can be sloppy but Iā€™ll go with Joe here. Thereā€™s a transcript.

Well at least he did one fucking thing right


The liberal feminization of America continues.


Iā€™m allergic to cats. Iā€™m voting for Trump.

Thatā€™s what is so great about establishment Dems. The best is yet to come!



Whereā€™s the link to this NYT opinion piece?

Replay 2020 but with the current voting laws in place. Trump crushes. Now add in 4 years of lol democrats and Biden being fucking horrible plus being blamed for inflation which gets downplayed here but is the #1 issue right now with the vast majority of voters. Legit like everyone I know is complaining about inflation, not just trump voters.

I mean there is still time, but if things donā€™t massively improve before 2024 Biden is getting absolutely destroyed. The country needs to solve the supply chain issue, if that happens and wages stay high then heā€™s in good shape, but Iā€™m not sure how entwined those issues are.


Impossible to defend this shit. Fuck off, Joe.

All to achieveā€¦a 33% approval rating.



This wasnā€™t some rando bridge in the boondocks. While not one of the major bridges in Pittsburgh, itā€™s a significant bridge. Pretty disgusting to literally have infrastructure collapsing.

Confusing plot line going on in this episode.

So this seems bad.

Good piece.

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Note date.


Narrator: itā€™s a crisis

Edit: interesting update