The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Just need to fight harder to pass those bills. Maybe get the parliamentarian to rule that you can get cloture if an issue poll shows 60% of respondents in favor.

So what, ā€œthe system is rigged get over it?ā€ Cool. We know.

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No but spending more than $15 billion on electric vehicles would be progressive.

Wherein progressive = trying to save the world from calamity. Not even trying to give everyone healthcare or anything, just trying to fend of climate disaster by the skin of our teeth. SUPER PROGRESSIVE!

Not exactly sure of that

But Iā€™m definitely sure that number isnā€™t good enough for Biden to win if the election was held today.

Heā€™s a one term president and based on what he has (or hasnā€™t) done up to now, he deserves to be just that.

plz elaborate

Looks like infrastructure week is off to a good start!

Bridge collapses are a hoax! I suppose weā€™re to believe its just a coincidence that the bridge repair people are all Globalists? Only soy boy sheeple believe in so called ā€œengineeringā€. Real Americans donā€™t need these CRT bridges anyway!

Far more likely response will be ā€œBiden blew up the bridge right before his visit as a political move to get infrastructure money. He should be arrested!!!ā€

Oh thatā€™s all part of the Scheming Globalistsā€™ Big Plan. They probably shot it down with their space lasers.

thanks obama

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This is the beginning of an exciting new game called ā€žUS infrastructure or action movie set piece?ā€œ.


FFS Biden, this kind of talk doesnā€™t seem helpful.

Raytheon calls this ā€œthe hard sellā€


Biden seems to have a phone call with Ukraine of his own to deal with

And it doesnā€™t look like it was perfect.

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lol. biden and zelensky are doing a bad cop good cop routine with putin, but zelensky doesnā€™t seem to know what it is.

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Seems like Zelensky knows Putin is bluffing.

yeah, prodemocracy commentary is that putin overplayed here. there was never enough troops for a real invasion that could hold territory long term (disclaimer: might still happen), and the west mobilized very quickly to beef up ukraineā€™s positions and didnā€™t give anything on nato. so, putin got approximately nothing, and may have to make a public retreat.

on the one hand zelensky said what he had to, and good for ukraine. on the other hand, if us/eu support wasnā€™t there, it looks like heā€™d be a complete disaster.