The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah it’s a real shocker that Mitch “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president” McConnell would work against you.


Sorry Grandpa, you don’t get to play the “golly these republicans are too mean to get anything done” card. You were presumably awake for the last 13 years. Also you ran on working with them. Then you bullied progressives into forfeiting all their leverage based on your word. And you lied. Fuck this guy.


Wait, did he just completely ignore that student loan question? What the fuck?

Well at least he outlasted NPR’s live coverage.

translation: thats gonna be a no for me dawg.

I mean we all voted against this guy in the primary for a reason. He sucks.


I’m not sure the rhetorical device of not understanding something should be used so much by someone who sounds so confused all the time. What’s he for dealing with russia?

He can’t possibly be so stupid as to let student loan repayments start 5 months before the midterms.

I mean, the guy is just a textbook example of stupid or in on it.


In. On. It.

The r/politics comment thread is the definition of total delusion.

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We’re drawing to some crazy runner runner runouts as a nation at this point.

bringing out Moscow Mitch would have worked better LAST JANUARY!!

You weren’t lying.

“ I can’t believe how harsh some of you are on this admin one year in. They are directionally moving in the right direction on many fronts and there is still time for his promises. I think the frustrating part is that “independent” or swing voters may self sabotage our chances at some of his campaign promises because he didn’t achieve them 1/4 of the way into this term. We will never get these things if you stay home / revenge vote red in November. We have to think longer term”


O snap, Trump’s going to be in real trouble if the Jan 6 Committee finds something incriminating. Like, say, a handwritten note telling his subordinates to overturn the election. He’d be in trouble then!

This is kinda true. He did get like $3 trillion in stimulus and investment spending. Also ended the war in Afghanistan.

Amazing that he would say this.

If he didn’t know this beforehand then he really is a dribbling idiot. Literally decades of evidence - in his job realm. Decades!

If he did know, then wtf is he doing here…?…

In on it and thinking everyone’s stupid? That’s about all I got.

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He thought they’d be okay with a white guy.

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It’s this, and it works because as stupid as the average American is, they’re even more stupid when it comes to politics.