The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I disagree.

If they knew what they were doing, the bill would change Election Day to Monday and make it a federal holiday, thus creating an extra three day weekend. They’d make it that way every year, even if there are no federal elections. They’d do it for primary day, too, and they’d put that in April or May so the weather would be decent.

They’d also do a national voter ID law, but they’d make it so that voters were automatically registered at 18, automatically got the ID (through school or something), and they’d have a ton of acceptable alternatives (including something in an app on a cell phone).

Now you’ve taken away the GOP’s biggest talking point on the issue in a way that does not give the GOP a win, and you’re making your opponent be against two three day weekends per year for the American worker!

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The only thing I hate about that is all the people that would take a 3-day weekend to go away somewhere and then not bother voting at all. I’d almost rather move it to Wednesday to minimize the extended weekend factor of it completely, lol.

National Voter ID, everyone gets one senior year of high school and is automatically registered to vote. There is no such thing as being unregistered anymore. Make it illegal for states to remove anyone from their rolls unless that person has moved to a new state, require interstate communication when that happens.

ID can be shown at the polls, or photographed in a phone app that verifies identity and shows a green light at the polls.

Lose your ID? No problem, unlimited free replacements!

I think that would be a net positive on its own, but even if not, it would do less harm than the good of getting rid of that Republican talking point. Like that inside a bigger voting reform package, with Democrats going on TV saying, “We’re even doing the thing Republicans have been screaming about for years, and suddenly they’re against it? What a bunch of partisan hacks! Maybe they just don’t want to give you three day weekends twice a year because your boss and your boss’s boss give them lots of money and want you working instead of drinking beer enjoying a holiday weekend!”

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True, but that’s why you also extend early voting, make it easier to vote by mail, etc. I still think it would be a net positive on voter turnout. I mean, I think we should be able to vote online or through an app, which would change the whole thing, but we’re decades away from that in USA#1.

I can pay my taxes online, pay my bills online, do my banking online, do my investing online, find a romantic partner online, buy a car online, order groceries online, pay a traffic ticket online, update my vehicle registration online (some years), even buy a house online sight unseen.

But not vote?

It’s safe enough for all that other stuff, it’s safe enough to vote.

Libs are terrible at messaging because they don’t try to change public opinion. They seem to mostly operate under the delegate theory of representation, believing that their job is to convey the views of their constituents, rather than the trustee model of using their own judgement to decide on behalf of their constituents.

Libs aren’t in on it. They genuinely think they are doing what is best for the country. They’re just wrong a lot.

I’ve always been an advocate of a national ID law with automatic voter registration, with the idea that conservatives could be drawn to support the ID in the name of using it to crack down on people who are in the country illegally.

This all sounds wonderful until you get to the part where Alabama closes all of its DMVs in Birmingham due to previously scheduled repair work. And requests for replacement IDs are being processed really slowly in urban areas due to the high demand. And the app-verification was down for a few hours around lunchtime in Mobile but it’s ok it’s back up and running now. And we’re mailing the IDs but it’s a few months lag in processing time and wouldn’t you know it, a bunch of poor minorities changed addresses in the meantime and they’ll just have to submit this form in triplicate and their new ID will come in the mail in another 8-12 weeks. And the alternate forms of ID proposed are utility bills or bank statements, so nobody look up the statistics on which populations are more or less likely to have those things in their name with their current address on file. And like 5% of the out of state students in Tuscaloosa remembered to apply for an Alabama voter ID when they started school. And a bunch of people who voted by mail got their ballots rejected for insufficient ID but we didn’t notify them by mail of the deficiency until a week after the election.

But it’s ok, we fixed a problem that doesn’t exist!


National Voter ID can come from some national agency, it doesn’t have to be a local driver’s license (though we should allow that to count too). Make the agency insulated from political appointees, too, of course.

No, it’s a problem that does exist. The problem is that while Republicans arguments are wrong on voter ID, they are winning arguments to make. They have the simple side of the argument that sounds obvious and right. That’s a political problem for Democrats. If there’s a way to solve it that either helps turnout or doesn’t significantly impact it, that’s a political win.

Like the post office?

The USPS is literally governed by political appointees, so no, not like the post office.

There is no such thing as an executive branch employee that is completely divorced from the White House. I doubt an institution can be crafted that you would trust.

That’s the plan? What is motivating them here?

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Orange man bad, the sequel.

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Some of Joe’s best friends are Black!

Big chunks = not shit.

Well they have like one reconciliation chance and ten Republicans are never gonna give Biden any victories before 2024 so cant wait to see the plan for this.

First thing progressives should be clear on as this starts is absolutely no SALT reform. Progressives already ate a shit sandwich and BBB is dead, the centrist house members want to sink everything else because of SALT, good for them. With a limited shopping list SALT just cannot make the cut, sorry, go talk to Joe Manchin if you have a problem with it.

Who woulda thunk it Joe


Not an impressive presser from the pieces I’ve seen. Horrible questions, now Biden just getting mad at them.

Has anyone asked anything about student loans? We’ve gotten “why are you moving the country so far left?” from dumbfuck Doocy and “why is the public so concerned about your cognitive abilities?” from some Newsmax chode