The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Since America’s Mayor worked out so well.

Civil case

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Got him!

You have a guy in the doj who already knows what’s up like Trump had. You don’t have to say shit. They slow it down when machin gets in line and you keep it in your back pocket if you need it.

Yeah it sucks but democracy is on the line and we need to pull out all the stops.

Really, what you should do is pick someone to make an example of and suggest that the same thing could happen to his daughter.

His daughter seems like the obvious target, but more work should be done digging up dirt on his other kids and grandkids. Why do we seem to know nothing about them? He might be more willing to play ball if you threaten grandchildren who haven’t built up an ability to defend themselves.

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Last posts bad vibes.

Can we just not.

Why wouldn’t you blackmail one of the crazier GOP senators, like Rand Paul or someone? That way, when it’s inevitably discovered, you can at least pretend they’re making it up.

Turtle: We can’t make Election Day a holiday because we already have too many.

I think that’s obviously true if you’re that direct but like @Devil even Trump’s smart enough to not be that direct, but that doesn’t mean you can’t twist some arms. More likely though is that Republicans are fine with Trump doing semi mob stuff while Democrat pols aren’t (unless it’s against other left wing parties) so even the indirect stuff wouldn’t fly.

He doesn’t seem to understand that Joe Manchin and Kirsten Cinema do not actually want the voting rights bills to pass.

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yeah it’s going to be fucking hilarious if this rube goldberg machine works and they actually get past debate without cloture or whatever the fuck whitehouse is talking about and they get to a floor vote on the actual bill and it still fails

I think they’ll both vote for it, and I don’t think either one is actually against the voting rights bill. They’re against nuking the filibuster because the filibuster is what gives them cover to not do anything on issues where the Democratic “position” would hurt corporations and wealthy people.

But if Sheldon Whitehouse is correct, then this proves definitively that anything the Democrats did not pass with a trifecta, they just didn’t want it bad enough. But also if he’s right, then all the months they’ve wasted courting Manchin and Sinema on nuking the filibuster they could have just been doing this??

I get the feeling that Manchin and Sinema will object to any method of getting around the filibuster, even if the current rules and regulations allow it… Because they can have uppity progressives showing up at town halls in four years demanding the same treatment for like healthcare or something.

THAT is what the filibuster is for.


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Isn’t Joe Manchin on the record that he wants nationwide voter ID requirements in the voting rights legislation? Why would we assume he would vote for any kind of voting rights bill that is good?

Because it’s possible to draft a good bill that includes that.

It’s possible that maximum pressure is being applied but the former social worker killed a homeless person or something and the anti-democracy side happens to be the one with the goods. That level of stress could explain why someone with years of public speaking experience at times sounds like a nervous school kid.

Whitehouse is talking about how it would work once they restore the talking filibuster. But Manchin just said he won’t change the rule to get around the 60-vote threshold, so Whitehouse is just pissing into the wind.

I’d like to at least see an up and down vote on making Election Day a holiday and something on gerrymandering. I think both of these are hard to defend against. As always, Libs are terrible at messaging. Probably like 5% of Americans are even aware of what is in their bill.

Biden and Democrats should be calling for a national day of protest and walk out to make Election Day a universal holiday. Make the republicans own it.