The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

what the fuck is she even talking about I honestly don’t know

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I don’t think you’re going to find that quote in any future books on leadership

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It’s over, we lost, gg

Did something new happen tonight? Or is this just a general statement?

Voting bill officially dead

I was assured by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse that there was a path forward, which would be bumpy but traversable, so I’m sure they aren’t just going to pull the bill from the floor of the…

Wait, what’s that you say? Oh they pulled the bill from the floor of the Senate and will just spend their time confirming judges now?

Well, alrighty then.

BTW a big thanks to Cal Cunningham for helping make this possible.

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I’m so embarrassed that I had to vote for Cinema. I hate this POS country.


Funny work story a couple of companies back. Are director of strain development said we could meet our goals because we had “many great people, and engineers too”.

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How the fuck is this real life?

Republicans steal a SC seat, ban Muslims, blow up the deficit with a scam tax cut, ram a rapist onto the Supreme Court, vote to acquit, completely contradict the logic they used to stop a SC nomination to ram through another unqualified bimbo, try to overthrow the government and then vote to acquit a second time… and the dems respond by checks notes doing absolutely when they take full control because they’re getting cucked by Cinema and WV.

I repeat - how the fuck is this real life?


That motherfucker couldn’t keep it in his pants for like six goddamn months???

The powerful corporations own both sides, it’s all kayfabe to the people really pulling the strings.


fwiw I think voting rights ironically would help R’s slightly overall.

I think you might need to show your work on this one.

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Kinda ironic VA did about everything people here would want them to do when dems were in control and VA responded by voting them all out.

The voting rights bill has been dead for a year, since Manchin announced he wouldn’t get rid of the filibuster. This whole week has been a pointless farce. Here is a comprehensive list of legislation that can be passed this Congress:

  1. Bills that Republicans like.
  2. A version of BBB modified to be acceptable to Manchin and Sinema.
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I think 2 might be a subset of 1.


The dems don’t want the voting bill or the build back better bill. Nobody is this bad at their job. It’s all cover for protecting the status quo.

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I agree that they are the party of the status quo. I think many of them would see a “successful” bill being one that largely reinforces the existing status quo and involves some Responsible Governing agreements with Republicans. So it’s more that they live in a fantasy world than they actively oppose the bills. They just don’t see the bills as a necessary action in the middle of fight to the death, they see the bills as pawns in a game where 99% of outcomes are draws.

I disagree on the voting bill. I don’t think the dems are in favor of status quo there - the vote suppression going on directly affects them.