The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

inb4 this somehow happens and then the Dem governors appoint another R to each Senate spot “out of respect for the voters’ original wishes” or something. lololol


Those Republicans wouldn’t have accepted, it would have been political suicide.

But of course wasting an entire year on “Mitch McConnell will be nice to me, we go way back” was incomprehensibly stupid.

I’ll concede they were never getting major legislation through the Senate, but they’ve fucked up absolutely everything and more importantly their messaging is absolute dogshit.

Separately, beyond comprehension that Breyer hasn’t retired. Fuck that guy.


To be clear, the POTUS in this scenario would have to basically drop a bag for everyone involved. Those Dem governors are taking one for the team and done in their state after that, so you’ve gotta give them some nice juicy cabinet posts too.

At least two of them are retiring, off the top of my head, and it would be a nice legacy boost (offer them State if you have to, full stop), pay boost, and pension boost.

Jfc. Just pass the damn voting bill with $100,000 cash for each man woman and child in AZ And WV. Let their own voters destroy them.

(Not serious).

They got two pieces of major legislation through the Senate so far.

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American Rescue Plan

Those aren’t major?

Not a single 4D chess take has been right in American politics during my lifetime. People want the reality to be House of Cards, but it’s really just Veep.


Psaki trying real hard to overtake Sean Spicer on the shitty press secretaries of the past five years ranking.


I just don’t understand the motivation to tweet something like this. As Herm Edwards once said, “Don’t press send.”

They’re all so insulated from the tragic consequences of their ineptitude.

Northerners making fun of DC’s overreaction to snow is a time-honored tradition. Not sure what’s so atrocious about that tweet.

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Can’t figure out if non-northerners are pussies who are afraid of snow or smart folks who realize they suck at driving and don’t try to be something they’re not.

They don’t have plows to put down salt or winter tires cuz it snows like once a year.

It’s possible to drive in snow with unsalted roads. Arguably, people in the north need to learn how to do that because of the environmental impact.

It’s can be both. We got a dusting in NOLA in 2018 or 2019 and they shut the whole city down for two days. There was no snow on the roads. I had a final pushed back two days. It was surreal. It was nice to go to Costco and have no line though.

No plows and whatnot obviously becomes a problem with more significant snow.

Driving in the snow isn’t really hard imo with a reasonable modern car. It’s an exercise in patience more than anything else… and dodging the morons going the speed limit.



the tweet was a little tonedeaf since even seattle shutdown for a week of legit snow and i95 was a just a shitshow. but come on, the overton window has passed. compared to complete demagoguery from spicer and huckabeast or mcdaniels, i’d rather take lumps with psaki.

I guess. Psaki is infinitely more annoying and irritating because she’s on our team.*

NARRATOR: She is not on our team.