The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

As someone who is now listening to upstate NY plows go by … this area uses an absurd amount of salt. It is really effective and cars older than 10 years are rust buckets. … I was in DC for snowpocalypse and that was a legit party. … I’ve also watched this NY area close schools for 2 inches. … I think everyone just calls everyone else an idiot because most people have never been anywhere else.


The whole genre of “entitled shitlib who thinks they’re clever when surrounded exclusively by other insufferable shitlibs” is a lot more irritating post-Trump.


This was my worst snow in the south story.

January 16, 2003 – A major snowstorm strikes the mid state, with Nashville reporting 7″ of snow — much more than was forecast — becoming the city’s biggest snowfall in nearly 7 years. The snow begins falling around 8:00 a.m., and by mid-day the city is paralyzed with blocked interstates, numerous accidents, and large-scale gridlock.”

I had a class that started at 7:30 Am about 30 miles of highway between me and home. I left that class at 8:30 AM, noticed it was snowing like a motherfucker and drove home, barely able to see, getting there about an hour fifteen later. My girlfriend at the time left her first class around 9 :10 am.

Forum game - How long did it take her to drive the 30 miles to home?

Do we need to shut this board down do you think?


They are all the same people that smugly forecast a surefire Hillary Clinton landslide. Glad they’re still in charge of the last tissue paper resistance to ethnofascism.

I’ve said it before but I pray I live to see a day we get actual snow in Los Angeles (it occasionally dusts in the foothills). People will be trying to eat their neighbors within hours.

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7 hours

She’s still driving


I’ve got a Subaru, I crave snow in Vegas, not just the mountains.

She got home right around 8 PM, about 11 hours later. People had just abandoned their cars all over the freeway.

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Would Ukraine put up resistance? Seems suicidal.

Europe being reliant and owned by Russia for energy was a really stupid thing for them to do.

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To put a finer point on this, I think the Iraq/Afghanistan insurgency model makes a lot more sense then trying ot go head to head with the Russian Army.

I think you’re under-appreciating how big of an army Ukraine has. They would most definitely fight back.

i’ll be the first to eat my hat and foot if i’m wrong, but this statement by psaki is likely far from objective reality. obviously there are political reasons to make it overwhelmingly clear to ukraine and russia that the us is treating donbass conflict as it could escalate at any moment. but it just does nothing at home.

media spending time on it is a distraction from domestic terrorism and fascism. the gop gets a free pass to do whatever they want anyway, and now they can jerk biden around with troop deployments too. fucking ted cruz is out there like a cowboy trying to shut off nord stream which can easily be made into casus belli, and there are nato reasons for letting germany use it as leverage against russia. and strategically, russia isn’t producing enough NG to fill nord stream 2, so it is going to be a giant albatross for putin in the event of war anyway. they embezzled so much, and most of the time they sell the gas so cheaply that after taking their cut, it’s just barely enough to maintain the extraction and pipeline.

this is true, but the situation is changing quite rapidly. first of all there’s plenty of suppliers now, and secondly, renewables are plummeting all of russia’s investments in fossil anyway.

in the event of war, i personally cannot wait for ukraine to kick putin’s ass finnish-style. it would speed up return of crimea.

This is minimally informed guessing on my part but ofc Ukraine will fight. The immediate result depends on Putin and how hard and how far he wants to go. In the longer run he may not be able to hold more ground than he already controls. Good chance he understands that and will be happy if he can cause enough disruption that Ukrainian leadership changes or at least stops talking about shifting toward the West. Possibly this is all show with those same ends in mind since he will have to pay some price for an actual attack. So far he’s been a dick but not a stupid dick.

It’s just wild to me that a shooting war with Russia could be kicking off soon and no one seems to be talking about it much. We’re all focused on COVID and critical race theory.