The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They might do $24. Given that people expect them to be covered, the extra penny might be more +EV than the psychological effect of selling it for under the full dollar amount that would typically lead to more sales.

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Biden and the democrats have:

  • Performed worse than I expected - I thought it would be better than this, even a little
  • Performed exactly as I expected
  • Performed better than I expected - I actually thought it would be even worse than this

0 voters

I only voted “worse” because I assumed the Dems would have an actual working majority in the Senate following the special election.


That pole is something, lot of you aren’t as far gone as me I guess.

Voted “exactly as I expected”, meaning it’s exactly as bad as I expected during the primaries and election. I did briefly get roped into having some hope for the admin in like February/March and thought they were doing better than I expected based mostly on everyone else pretending like they were, but lol me.


Ds have performed as I expected at the time of the elections in 2020. After they won, they managed to build up high expectations but have ended up doing nothing.

Guess the jist is that I didn’t expect the White House/Biden to even pretend to try many of the things that are being held up Sinema, Manchin, etc. but end result is where I initially thought it would be.

People like Ro Khanna are a huge part of the problem. Talk a good game but when shit matters, completely unwilling to do anything but toe the eDem line.

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In terms of actual “big” achievements, I had no expectations so this government couldn’t fall short. But I definitely thought I’d feel better about their COVID response, especially the messaging. And immigration.

Actually, now I think about it, I expected some minor random “feel good” positive things that weren’t huge but helped a little.

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Being surprised on immigration :face_with_monocle:


I said doing better, but my assumption was that Biden was pretty much just a pause at best until the next 4 years of most likely Trump so even just getting judges approved is somehow doing better than I thought.

At the end of the day, this guy is just an asshole. You can be corrupt and not be like this.

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“Corrupt asshole” is not exactly unheard of.

Nah he’s just conservative democrat pilled. Tying welfare to work has been the welfare hegemon since the Reagan revolution. There hasn’t been enough push back for the center to shift.

A work requirement for (checks notes) child poverty is well beyond standard shitlib means testing. It’s straight up assholery.

Sadly it’s not. The centrist fear is being bashed for supporting welfare queens who just have kids for a pay check. Centrists have jiu jitsu’ed that fear into a folk consensus is that Clinton removing cash payments and making everything contingent on work somehow boosted lots of mothers into the work force.

Of course it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t expect less from a conservative Democrat to advocate for backward ass policies based on Regan era myths. I mean Clinton tried to tie her college handouts on students being forced into working 10 hours or so a week. It’s stupid theory wise, but centrists going to centrist.

It’s weird that the tax subsidies for capital gains aren’t tied to work requirements. They probably just forgot!

The funnier oversight is that Social Security payments can go to guardians of beneficiaries and aren’t tied to work requirements of the guardians, and if you bring up the idea that maybe we should force family caretakers to get a job instead of taking care of their elderly you sound pretty monstrous.

And of course amongst certain folks, sending your kids to daycare is the devils work. Dad works. Mom cooks. God ordained.

This presidency failed right out of the gate. They should have known they needed two more votes on the filibuster, and they should have opened up two Senate seats via cabinet appointments of Republicans with Democratic governors. There were 11 to choose from. You could even fire them later if they were causing problems.

Kansas (2)
Kentucky (2)
Louisiana (2)
Maine (1)
North Carolina (2)
Pennsylvania (1)
Wisconsin (1)

Problem is, they needed more than two votes on the filibuster. Manchin and Sinema are just taking the heat for like 4-6 other establishment Dems who would rather see democracy crumble than see corporations lose any power.