The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Along with documented proof of a minimum 6 figure net worth, otherwise you vote counts for 3/5

Get ready to hear “It’s a republic not a democracy” from idiots for the rest of your life.


And to be fair they are extremely correct. They factually have you there.

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Except that what they mean is “Blah Blah Blah if you’re black you don’t deserve to vote” so, really, they are not extremely correct.

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And that’s how it really works and always has.

I’m sure the same people who don’t understand how the First Amendment works are very knowledgeable about the intricacies of what makes a government a republic, come on.

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It is genuinely astounding to me that actual mega rich business types are just standing on the sidelines watching this slow motion plane crash happen without lifting a finger.

Hey assholes, those low tax rates aren’t going to matter when our one party fascist government takes over. Like does Mark Zuckerberg think Trump is going to leave Facebook alone after being banned? We’ve seen this a million times before, autocrats just raid companies and shake down rich people.

So there is an upside, i will enjoy watching

The richest Americans are like 17th and 18th century monarchs. They think their privilege is a divine right and it is not conceivable to them that they could lose it.


Why don’t these journalists who actually get to talk to manchin and sinema ask them “how does the filibuster make the senate more bipartisan?”

I mean we all know it’s kayfabe but the reality is that reconciliation bills actually get bipartisan support - republicans know it’s going to pass so they have some incentive to go along and maybe get some scraps, the democrats love to give a little in exchange for getting to say the bill is bipartisan, it literally works EXACTLY how they say the filibuster is supposed to work.

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The concessions she helped win align with the interests of many of her donors who have made Sinema the Senate’s No. 3 recipient of money — nearly $500,000 — this year from the pharmaceutical and financial services sectors, according to OpenSecrets.

What were her sticking points with the legislation?

An increase in the tax rates for corporations and wealthy individuals, and an expansive plan that would have substantially reduced the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare recipients.

What a crazy coincidence.

They think it’s just going to mean even lower taxes and more deregulation and more cronyism.

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Why do people think that the mega-rich do poorly when the US turns into a Russian-style oligarchy? I mean, some of them do poorly and end up dead. But most of them do fine.

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I agree with this, but man if you’re already uber wealthy, why risk the chance that you’re one of the ones that ends up dead, or one of the ones the Trumpists decide to shut down? Things are going just fine for them under corporate Dems, and if it were me I’d rather take the slight risk of slightly higher taxes than the slight risk of ending up dispossessed or dead.




Jlaw ok

So which one said, “Candidly, go fuck yourself!”

Grunching but at least the kids are out of the cages right?


I thought Biden would be shitty on immigration but still significantly better than Trump, especially on treatment at the border. More like 10% better, if that. Pathetic.

He and eDems have already lost my volunteer time and donations the next few cycles if not forever. If they ask really nicely and they’re running against Nazis, they will get my vote begrudgingly in 2024.

I haven’t decided if they get my vote in 2022 yet. I will definitely vote in the primary, and probably split my ticket between left wing third party and Dems in the general. Progressives get my vote, and too important to skip races get my Dem vote. The rest goes left wing third party or write in.

I expect to lose Congress anyway so I don’t feel bad voting third party for my House race. Maybe that changes by November.

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Biden should just go ahead and open the borders. Let it known that everyone is welcome. Seriously.