The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Sounds like the Republicans will always prevail, then.


From the Twitter thread:

After senators speak, a motion will be made to end debate on the bill and move to final passage. Republican senators could filibuster the motion, but that would be the opportunity for Senate Democrats to pass a carveout of the filibuster rules for voting rights legislation.

So these asshats still have to nuke the filibuster to do this anyway, they’re just making it as convoluted as possible. I’m sure Mitch and company will keep their messaging on it very convoluted and won’t just be like, “They nuked the filibuster, now we’re banning abortion with 51 votes. Bite us.”

Like if you’re going to do it FUCKING DO IT and pass your whole agenda you useless pieces of shit. But you don’t WANT to pass your whole agenda because you’re useless pieces of shit. You WANT the filibuster there so you can point to it and say, “Sorry, vote harder, can’t fix ________ without 60 votes,” because you’re a bunch of bought and paid for corrupt corporate assholes.


This would be better than nothing. At least make those Republican assholes stand up there and read Green Eggs and Ham and shit and make asses of themselves. They repealed Obamacare a gazillion times in the House and held like 200 Benghazi hearings for a reason: it fires up the base, it looks like you’re doing something, it puts pressure on the other side.

Fox News can make the GOP look like heroes for a week or two, but at some point when they’re going on their third or fourth week reading Dr. Seuss books, they’re going to look like asses. Also just having them stand up there and talk for that long has lots of potentially favorable outcomes: maybe they slip up say something really bad that actually matters in an election, maybe one of them from a state with a Dem governor keels over from sheer exhaustion and bites it.

The danger is on the back end. Dems won’t want to miss their vacations, winery internships, or Valentine’s Day plans, so they’ll probably mess up and drop a filibuster and let some GOP nuttery through like mandatory assault weapons for all kids in elementary school, or a federal abortion ban or something.

But I’m less worried about that than I am about the short-term political disaster looming, which makes the GOP nuttery a slam dunk to happen anyway.

My guess is they’re trying to make it as easy as possible for Manchin and Cinema to go along. Like it seems idiotic to you and me, normal people, that the procedural particulars mean anything, but we are dealing with truly idiotic people here, maybe there is some small chance this makes it more palatable for them.

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Meanwhile, Biden’s approval taking a massive hit.

Looks like he’s losing a ton of support from the left, which hopefully spurs more aggressive action. If I got called right now, I’d be a strong disapprove, as I assume most of the forum would.

Trying to figure out what 35 percent would approve tbh.

lmao 33%? Holy shit. Good job democrats.




I’d imagine so.

We’re less than 10 months away from midterms, and I have no idea what Democrats are going to run on.

They have a trifecta, and /r/antiwork has done more for the average American than Biden and congressional Democrats.

“Republicans are bad” doesn’t work when you’re in control of everything and do jack shit.

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“Dammit, I need to be more bipartisan!”

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I mean, they may do that, but it’s really hard to read those polls and draw that conclusion. Obviously they don’t want to actually do too much of anything to help real people, though, so…

Biden approval is dipping but still 42% at 538, 3% better than Trump at this point. Not that it matters much.

where does Biden go to get his apology?

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These assholes really want me to turn out to vote for them when LOUIS DEJOY STILL HAS HIS FUCKING JOB?

Martinez, who was nominated by Trump to the Board, has publicly praised Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, saying he is the “person to carry out the restructuring that is needed… He is a transformational leader.”

It sounds like they’ve learned the “two weeks” Trump administration trick.


What the fuck