The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Whoever wins the primary will run the party. Whoever wins the primary will either be a Trump, a full-fledged lunatic like MTG, or someone convincingly playing one on TV.

The only way to keep the keys away from the MTG’s and Gaetz’s and DeSantis’s is to have a sane person win the base over by more convincingly playing a fringe lunatic on TV.

If the primary is rigged, it’ll almost certainly be rigged while Trump is at the helm, so whoever he rigs it for will either be one of his kids or whoever sucks up the most to him, which will surely involve being VERY convincingly Trumpy.

I agree short term. But if it’s Trump in 2024, I think the possibilities in 2028 and beyond are wide open as far as him running again, handing it off to Don Jr, or handing it off to whoever sucks up the best.


If you’re wondering which post that applies to, it’s all of them.


It is going to be just perfect when all the libs comply with congressional subpoenas voluntarily.

And it will be a total shitshow full of “have you stopped beating your wife” type questions that just leads the average moron to think zomg those investigations of Trump went nowhere but these are juicy as hell, those Democrats must really be up to something!

There is still a huge difference between DeSantis and Trump. DeSantis is your everyday ego driven, power hungry Harvard educated politician.

if trmp is a moussalini as a politician, desantis is nixon.

Mitch seems genuinely enraged, maybe there is like a 5% chance. Paging narrator

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If this is true / possible why have I never heard of it?

My brain hurts trying to make sense of it.

I mean, no matter what procedural stunts you pull you still have to get 50 votes.

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I think the point is that in these particular cicumstamces the republican filibuster would be in violation of the senate rules.
The hope is that mancinema will see this and change their mind’s and do a carveout ?
Not that they will of course.

Some slappy on NPR this morning was pitching the idea of brining back the talking filibuster requirement. I can see the Dems doing that, calling it a great victory, and still fail to pass anything as Republicans power through with old-school filibusters.

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I don’t get that take, you can’t hand off or rotate a filibuster right? I mean eventually they run out of people even if it takes a month.

I guess I don’t know how any of this works, but if you run out of people, how did the old-timey filibusters ever stop bills?

An endurance contest between median-age-70 democrats and fired up lunatics who think they’re on a mission from god? Can’t see this ever backfiring


West Wing taught me you can hand off a talking filibuster.

It’s just who wants it more, somebody gives up and says fuck it or they compromise.

The good thing about minority rule is that only rich white people who can afford to get past the paywalls of the news media will know what is happening, everyone else can carry on blissfully ignorant.

That twitter thread reads to me like they still need 60 or 50 to change rules, but they can start debate at least?