The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


LOL you just have to laugh at this shit

Sadly, the USA is definitely heading towards minority rule.

Heading towards? Or do you mean 1 party rule? Because we’ve had minority rule for quite some time.

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Yeah, but it’s about to get considerably worse imho.

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Given that Democrats aren’t going to do shit to protect our elections, I’m starting to think our last/best shot might be the GOP taking the House and Senate in 2022 and passing batshit crazy laws that Biden has to veto.

Given what anyone paying attention expects the GOP to do in 2024, our only shot at winning that election will be MASSIVE turnout.

Maybe if they legitimately pass all the red meat and Biden has to veto all of it, turnout gets higher?

That senate map though…yikes.


IF we win the presidential election, which I think is a long shot obviously, but IF we do, it should mean we held PA, MI, WI, VA, MN, NV, AZ, NM, VT, ME. So the big question marks would be OH, WV, MT.

All three are great electoral candidates as far as Dems go in those states. Like, fuck Manchin, but he’s electorally great as evidenced by the fact that he’s still got his seat. Unfortunately, they have much more of an uphill path in a presidential election year.

Best case scenario is probably to gain one in 2022 and lose 3 in 2024 and be down 52-48. In 2026 we’d be happy to break even (lose GA-Ossoff, flip ME). Then in 2028 we’re back to this current map.

That’s why these two years were the last chance to do anything that needed doing for the next ~decade. From here on in, barring democracy reform that we aren’t getting, we’re white knuckling it hoping and praying to hold them off from the presidency/trifecta that would allow permanent single party rule.

After 2022, all that’s left is holding it off for as long as possible and hoping demographic change bails us out before we lose our white-knuckle grip.

What’s actually going to happen is the GOP will sweep 2022, hold the House and Senate in 2024 and refuse to relinquish power ever again without a civil war.

There was/is a two year window to stop this from happening. One year is gone and there is zero chance year two will be better.

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Liberals were counting on the Hispanic vote rendering republicans obsolete (Texas was gonna be purple) but the reality is tons of those people identify as white.


It’s just astonishing to look at the oped lineups at WaPo and NYT and not see DVaut1, who called it all FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS AGO. Someone find that guy and get him a job that matters somewhere.


Yes that’s the overwhelming likelihood. Like over 90% in my opinion, maybe over 95%. They’ll hold power for at least 10 years this way, maybe 30+. They may manage to sweep themselves out of power either by not reacting to demographic change as Boomers die, or by being so fucking incompetent and moronic that their deficit in elections gets outside the margins they can rig.

I think you’re underestimating their ruthlessness.

These people are not going to relinquish power voluntarily. Ever. After 2024 “elections” are going to be meaningless.


I’m just saying I think there’s a reasonable chance that in 10-30 years they’re so inept that they get beat by so much in the election that their only recourse to keep power would be to just make up results out of thin air or have a full-blown military coup… and if they don’t realize in advance that they need to make up the results, which requires some baseline level of intelligence, they could very well fuck it up.

Let me put it another way: do you really think Don Jr or MTG or Matt Gaetz can hold dictatorial power for 20+ years with zero risk of fucking up so badly they fumble it all away?

If they’re willing to kill people? Absolutely.

lol wut

Those bozos are not pulling the levers. There are plenty of competent people in the GOP who are just playing dumb and they’re not going to give the keys to Matt Fucking Gaetz

They’ll definitely be willing to kill certain people. But keep in mind that their base is predominantly white Boomers. Yes there are young people and Hispanic people in their base, but once the Boomers die off the country is probably 70/30 against Trumpism. Factor in what they’re going to do to our economy, quality of life, etc, through sheer stupidity and it could get to 80/20 against. At some point they’re going to run off the tracks and not be able to hold it together.

Just like in 2016 there were competent people in the GOP who were just playing dumb and they weren’t going to give the keys to Donald Fucking Trump?

This is a runaway freight train man, the base is in charge now.


The new base is going to rapidly become the dumb and the opportunistic, and those factions will readily replace the dying boomers imo.

They gave them to Donald Fucking Trump, so I’m not so sure about that.

EDIT: Bah, ponied.

Matt Gaetz is not Donald Trump. If Matt Gaetz walks from the GOP they just plug another dumbfuck in there and keep chugging.