The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Everybody wins. Fox gets to show him asking the stupid question, Psaki gets to dunk on him, both sides fundraise off the outrage.

I just got this in my inbox. All I could do was laugh.

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Biden Will Endorse Changing Senate Rules to Pass Voting Rights Legislation Biden to Endorse Changing Filibuster to Pass Voting Rights Laws - The New York Times

Cool so now that we know it won’t happen, Biden will scare Republicans into thinking he’ll make it happen, so when it doesn’t happen, Republicans will be happy with their team and feel emboldened to make it happen for themselves when they’re in power

Amazingly, Scott Kelley is signaling he may not go along with lifting the filibuster for the voting rights bill.

Who is that?

I meant to say Mark Kelly. Scott is his twin, IIRC.

Oh, I thought you were talking about some unelected parliamentarian-type person I had never heard of whose rules had to be followed for some reason.

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Anyhoo, not worried about Mark Kelly in this spot.

He’s not going to be the lone holdout if Manchinema are both on board.

That sentence is as meaningless as saying “Mark Kelly isn’t going to be the lone holdout if the Lorax of Thidwick stays in it’s shell on February 38th.”


First I am hearing of this.


Huge if true.


Guys save yourself the time and energy and agony.

Nothing is passing. Period. Try to enjoy the 2.75 years remaining before it all truly goes completely to shit.


I mean, its not like they’re doing jack shit now. What’s the difference?

Retribution for impeachment/Jan 6 committee, non-stop investigations that will make the Benghazi stuff look tame.

It won’t truly come off the rails until they send alternate electors in '24 but imo solid groundwork for one party rule will begin in earnest while they hold the legislative branch hostage, something they will never relinquish voluntarily ever again.

Yeah, yanking committee assignments and handing them to Gaetz and Bobert will be fun.

Joe cussing up a storm for voting rights. He said hel…heck.

Honestly McCarthy is such a clown like I have a hard time believing he’s really going to get the role. Obviously the sane wing of the party wants him there but they don’t run the party any more. Does McCarthy really do what the idiots want i.e. multiple impeachments for nothing? I don’t know. I could honestly see Joe getting impeached for “stealing the elections” 20+ times just like the obamacare repeals. I’m not crazy right?

Not at all. It’s actually exactly what I expect.

Once the right-wing media machine rolls, they’ll probably be able to gaslight Democrats after the 30th impeachment to remove Biden and Harris from office.

The truly amazing thing is going to be when normie democrats are legitimately surprised when things go completely off the rails.