The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Wife’s loans from when she went back to school are going through the same thing. At first we were just repaying the normal loans each month. Eventually found out that since we were not on Income Based Reduction plans they were not counting. Sort of ridiculous since those payments were much bigger and actually some went into principal. Missed 32 qualifying payments (so just over 2 years). So now we will get those to count and our Forgiveness will be 11/2026 instead of 7/2029. Pretty huge for us.


Maybe this will be like the pattern. Say something fucking obviously stupid, get dragged and have to back track and actually they will give more aid. I wouldn’t count on it obviously, but didn’t something similar just happen with the rapid tests?

My wife is on year 6 of a low income elementary teaching position. I’m going to try and submit early to make sure we are on track. Congrats!

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The Dems have been “center right” for our whole lives. They have been chasing Rs to the right at least since they got curb stomped by Reagan.


Just listened to Biden’s speech. I was impressed. Now for the DOJ follow through.

Paging @Narrator


I didn’t think I’d have the energy but I listened to Joe’s speech. It was good.

is today finally the day Joe Biden becomes president?


Going by feels, he’s a slightly better president today than he was yesterday.

sorry i maybe misremembered. is today the day Joe Biden became presidential?

It’s just another day. He was presidential for 25 minutes. That’s 25 minutes more than the last guy managed in 4 years.



“On the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, Joe Biden gave what might wind up being the most important speech of his career,” Paul Waldman writes in Opinions.


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Test manufacturers and distributors seeking to provide a share of the 500 million tests have submitted proposals to the government, and the Biden administration on Thursday evening awarded its first contract toward the purchase, said a person with knowledge of the testing plan. A formal announcement on the effort could come as soon as next week.

Take your time, Joe, certainly not a spike going on right now or anything.

They were busy writing his Real Pretty Speech for the big Jan 6 event. Sorry peasants, no time to actually govern, try not to die it’s rough out there.

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Get ‘em Chuckie

I bet some of those subclauses are gonna be quite piquant. Enemies of democracy beware!

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can someone explain Doocy asking the dumbest possible questions in the WH press briefings? Who’s he performing for? Does Fox show just him asking the question and cut out the answers? Don’t really undertstand how the scam works.