The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

There definitely is polling showing people, swing voters especially, are tired of the polarization and want the two parties to work together.

That said 0% of these people pay attention to legislation and passing a bi partisan bill or working super hard to be bi partisan wins zero votes and nuking the filibuster and passing partisan shit would lose zero votes.

No matter what you do these people will feel both sides are extreme because Republicans own the narrative so no matter what they do it won’t matter. So they should just be passing popular shit to motivate the base and have people vote dem because they feel their lives are better even if they don’t know why.

It’s just lol shit lib brain shit where advisors have them blindly following polls without actually using their brains


Wouldn’t have made Manchin/Sinema vote for anything they voted against.

Right, but at least you have a story for why you accomplished Jack Shit with full control of the federal government.

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It does include Republican support. It’s just historically true. Mitch for sure has supported it. So has Mike Lee, my current Rep. Fuck Manchin.

There’s external polling.

For most Americans what bipartisanship means is the other side coming around to their way of thinking. Who doesn’t want that? Of course, it’s never gonna happen


It really is the media’s fault. That’s not hyperbole. Every so-called non-partisan news source constantly spouts GOP bullshit. To say nothing of the NYT, MSNBC, etc. Shout out Facebook, hope Zuck dies via water torture but more likely we have white supremacist fascism and he gets even richer, gg.

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Joe Biden’s Education department just forgave all my loans under the new PSLF guidelines and refunded all my payments dating back to 2018.


What’s PSLF?

And congrats. Party at Jman’s.


Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Trumps Department of Education rejected everyone and made it impossible to collect. Biden’s dept. of ed fixed it and made everyone eligible so long as you made any payments for 10 years while working in public service regardless of payment plan. It effects a lot of people.

Edit: Apparently it’s already resulted in over half a million people getting their loans completely forgiven.


God, did I ever screw up consolidating loans with my wife years ago. It keeps us from qualifying for pslf. Sigh.


No, it doesn’t, and you are probably still eligible under the new program. You can reconsolidate them to direct loans under the new program. More information here: Federal Student Aid

This is one of the things that Biden fixed with the changes in October. You just have to consolidate by October of 2022. They will count all payments made while employed in public service regardless of payment plan.


They hate zuck. Small chance they go after him for red meat. Unless he gets with the program and becomes full blown ministry of truth for them

But trump holds grudges so who knows.

Midterms should go just great guys


Holy shit, congrats!

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Think the program was broken pre-Trump and he just didn’t fix it. Might take some time for him to break it again.

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Yes. I was in the “wrong” repayment plan until 2016 when I consolidated. It was because I didn’t understand the difference between a “direct” loan and an “ffel” loan, which is the same mistake that apparently 99 percent of other borrowers made. This advanced my forgiveness date from 2026 to 2018.

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Nah, he actively re-broke it though. Congress actually tried to pass a fix (bipartisan!) and Devos basically ignored it and still made it impossible to get the forgiveness. Fucking Rubio of all people was one of the big proponents of that fix called TEPSLF which Devos interpreted in such a way as to make it functionally useless. Biden basically re-interpreted TEPSLF the way it was always intended to work, thus leading to tons of forgiveness.

Hahaah, Dems are now your standard centre right party

I’m ok with not bailing out businesses at this point. The rest of this is lol.

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