The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

So Schumer is going to try to nuke the filibuster for voting rights, with a “deadline” of 1/17 for Republicans to cooperate, or something.

Absolutely zero indication he has the votes for this. I suppose he has to try. Or “try.”

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This is so true. For a while I started pronouncing nuclear the “other” way as a stupid ironic thing, it truly scared me when it started coming out naturally and I had to work to retrain myself to say it correctly.

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Trailer Park Boys accents oh man.

This is why I limit myself as to how often I engage in meme-speak.

One guy I used to live with would say L-O-L in real time instead of laughing or acknowledging that something was funny. Just brutal.

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Y’all are weird. I feel like I’ve got a pretty good on/off switch. Not perfect but not nearly that bad.

I just said LOL out loud cause I’m not afraid.




And it’s over before it starts. GG

Voters not gonna be much happier with kids home from school and no functioning hospitals.

Thanks Obama!

Yeah, I think Biden sucks on COVID but agree that it wasnt totally in his hands. Just saying id be careful with that poll since the uncontrolled cases result is also going to be something that is not gonna be great for the party in power and the Democratic base/left isnt going to support a move to really not care about COVID. But I think the Dems drawing pretty stone dead for '22 anyways and tbh dont really care and voting rights reform is obviously dead so :man_shrugging: just get ready for welcome BACK to the GOP era the best we can I guess.

They would have been so much better off putting Manchin and Cinema on blast from Day 1. Being nice to them resulted in a few minor short term wins and a long term catastrophe.

When viewed through the lens of they are all in on it. It makes sense to do it this way

We had 59 senators. Still got nothing done

If we had 54 seats. There would be 4 joe M


We had 60 senators and got RomneyCare.

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hard for them to deliver to their donors if you nuke them from orbit, strip them of all committee assignments, etc.

even if its not successful in and of itself, you have to make consequences for that kind of bullshit. instead we have a template till the end of time for the United States of [pivotal Senator here] anytime the Democrats want to do anything.

you know who fall into line uniformly? Republicans. Why? because Mitch gives 0 fucks and will nuke you from orbit and grin at a 26% approval rating bc fuck you get in line.


I really wonder if there’s some kind of internal polling that says people love the idea of “bipartisan agreement” or if this is just something Biden genuinely believes like some kind of moron.