The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Just going to crosspost this in the poor media thread too.

Jared Schmeck, 35, a former police officer who works for an electric company, called the NORAD line and had a brief conversation with Biden on Christmas Eve.

After a brief chat with the president where they talked about what his children wanted for Christmas, Schmeck used a slogan that has become popular among supporters of former President Trump as a veiled insult toward Biden.

Schmeck said he meant no disrespect to the president but that he thought he could be doing a better job.

ā€œAt the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden, but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job,ā€ he said to The Oregonian/Oregon Live.

ā€œI understand there is a vulgar meaning to ā€˜Lets go Brandon,ā€™ but Iā€™m not that simple minded, no matter how I feel about him,ā€ the father told the news outlet on Christmas morning. ā€œHe seems likes heā€™s a cordial guy. Thereā€™s no animosity or anything like that. It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking mannerā€¦I love him just like I love any other brother or sister.ā€

Schmeck told the news outlet he was not a ā€œTrumperā€ calling himself a ā€œfree-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ.ā€


ā€œFormer police officer.ā€ Guarantee thereā€™s a story there.

Lol of course:


One of the donations being after the election.


I for one am shocked that someone who loves a chickenshit way of saying ā€œfuck Joe Bidenā€ without actually saying ā€œfuck Joe Bidenā€ would also be a chickenshit about their political beliefs.


Iā€™d love to hear his thoughts on how Biden ā€œcan be doing a better job.ā€

Iā€™m certain his primary frustrations are with Bidenā€™s border policies and lack of progress on BBB and the fact that he still hasnā€™t forgiven the ten Gā€™s in student loan debt that he promised during his campaign or kicked Louis De Joy to the curb.


The recipient of that donation is a PAC setup for the National Electrical Contractors Association, which seems less relevant given the family business. Though I canā€™t figure out where PAC money is directed, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it leans heavily right/libertarian/small-business owner/pulled-myself-up-by-my-bootstraps.

That Brandon dude got PPP loans, of course.


O/U on MyPillows at his house?

Runs a ā€œChristian businessā€ in the construction trades. That is a dead give away to me. Almost always been the worst people i have had to do deal with.

Anyone who loudly claims their own religiousity in business is a scumbag. I wonā€™t do business with trucking companies with religious names in the same way I wonā€™t do business with people from Glendale, CA (thereā€™s a major Armenian gang that targets my industry almost exclusively based out of there lol). Iā€™m honestly conflicted about who would give me worse service, the scumbag ā€˜christianā€™ or organized criminals.


Possibly the single biggest red flag in all of business, outside like prior criminal convictions.

Glendale represent! Are you in some element of the insurance business?

Nope logisticsā€¦ but I bet they do a lot of insurance fraud too. Insurance fraud and cargo theft are more than tangentially related. Itā€™s way easier to steal valuable freight when the freight isnā€™t actually all that valuable and the shipper is in on it.

Yes, insurance fraud of all kinds (medicare, auto, health, etc) is one of Glendaleā€™s leading industries.

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God Americans are weird. I canā€™t think of a white Christian in Australia that isnā€™t an immigrant. Other than our prime minister who is in some sort of snake worship, speaking in tongues cult


All the suprised pikachus

Re: the past driverless trucking convos

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How are we finding this out now and not when the locals noticed trucks with no drivers?