The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Argues for just implementing good policy then.

The game is over. Republican won. Wondering how people react is pointless. They just need to do whatever they can to help before we go into fascist lockdown

Just promise your constituents that you’ll give them free stuff. It’s that easy. Dems have never understood the basic politics of self-interest. Very few persuadable voters give a rip about the 1/6 Committee or investigating Trump or whatever it is Congressional Dems have been wasting their political capital on.

so ummm, Skydiver’s hat is preventing me from making changes to the thread title.

The solution is for Dems to embrace polarization and not give a shit about people who don’t vote for them. Ignore the people who talk about wanting to lower the temperature.


This is just so key and so few unelected Democrats understand this.

I’m so much more likely to vote for someone I think is putting up a fight to do good things than someone who crafted a theoretically perfect technocratic policy.

Oh well, some good news at least:

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On 1/31 of this year there were 4,000 unaccompanied minors in DHS facilities. As of today there are 12,000 which is down from a peak of 22k this summer.

This is not an issue Biden is doing well on. He’s much worse than Trump was on this issue, everyone just collectively decided to stop caring for some reason.


That article was specifically about family separation, not unaccompanied minors.

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The reality is that most people don’t care about immigration and haven’t throughout American history.

It’s one of those things we know is bad in the abstract but since we can’t directly sense it, it doesn’t have the same visceral effect on us that other issues do.

Most Dems are a-ok with ICE and tight border controls. Child separation grabbed national attention because it was incredibly cruel even by normal standards.

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Also Trump’s overt racism was embarrassing to centrists that want the racism to be purely structural but not, like, actually having the President ranting about immigrants from Mexican countries on Fox News.


I guess I don’t see a huge difference between the separation policy and the general “lock up unaccompanied kids” policy. Those kids weren’t striking out to live on their own at age 8 or whatever - they were going to live with someone. It’s more viscerally uncomfortable to take a kid away from their parents at the border, but locking up a kid who was going to live with his older cousin or whatever is not really any better imo.


That’s a valid point. Stopping child separation only addresses part of the insanity.

There was a huge spike in border crossings after the election. You’d have to factor that in to get an apples-to-apples comparison of Trump and Biden’s border policies.

Real life has been gone for a while now.


I hope everyone can support this, despite it being a nominal easing of COVID restrictions.

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I’m honestly not even sure that I know what the Democrats position is on immigration.

I’d personally just like to see open borders, where anyone who wants to come here can get a guest worker visa. Is that what everyone else here wants as well?


Imagine wasting your one time on a prank call with the President by saying Let’s Go Brandon! and having him repeat it while laughing at your pathetic ass.


Fuck Biden but if he was self aware here and made that comment anyways its a gigachad move

Saw one Brandon hat and a couple of flag shirts with stripes (black and white with a silver stripe?) at the Washington Crossing the Delaware reenactment today.

Probably more of the tools there then I would like to believe.