The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Same shit with the eviction moratorium. Pathetic. They plan to do the worst thing possible and are begged to change course right before.

They need to get their shit together


It’ll become like the debt ceiling, probably. Dems use it to try to hold young people hostage to vote for them, and Republicans extending it when they’re in power because they’re not fools.

Next step is for Republicans to openly advocate for full debt forgiveness when dems are in power

I don’t think that will happen. Republican base is uneducated people. Conspiracy nuts and boomers. They are very strongly against debt forgiveness. They legit hate colleges and think it’s communist camp

They might beat Dems to legalizing weed and other super popular shit

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Lmao at using your one time for a means tested forgiveness or a small delay. Have a little self respect, Jesus

The GOP base didn’t go to college. I don’t see them getting behind debt cancellation. They’re already starting to figure out legal weed is a winner though.

HoW cAn hE Do tHIs wIThOuT CoNGrESsIoNAl APrOvAL???

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thread title needs updating

Trump vs. Biden “The Rematch” sponsored by Quaker Oats

Do we really deserve this?


Everyone loves endless sequels and reboots right? This is simply expanding on the rich cannon of the trumpyverse. It was foreshadowed in a post credit sequence at the end of the 2020 election.


They can’t be stupid enough to allow payments to restart literally months before the midterms, right? Right?!?! They have to extend it again…

A ruthless tactic would be to set them up to restart right after the midterms and literally threaten to let them restart if they don’t vote for more Dems in midterms. Pretty risk strategy but anything other than the slow lumbering stagger into one party fascism is worth trying.

On this topic generally, I think the reason that Dems don’t care about this stuff is that voter turnout by age is a straight line up, and the natural instinct is to think that young people have student debt and they’re not going to bother voting in midterms one way or another. Dems have never exhibited the boldness to take the leap of faith that actually giving a bunch of stuff to young people will drive young people turnout. They just look at PowerPoint charts produced by consultants and the charts say you can’t win by appealing to young people because young people don’t vote, full stop.

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Dems have apparently never considered the possibility that if their highly paid consultants knew anything we wouldn’t have ended up with Donald fucking Trump in charge?

Cancelling student debt popularity is going to be based almost entirely on if someone has it or is helping their kids pay for it. People don’t like hearing about the success of other people and a bunch are going to be pissed to hear that others are benefitting from something that they aren’t, imo.

Polling indicates it is extremely popular except among the boomers. Since that age cohort never catches a break, easy to see why they would be upset.


I think it was @catfacemeowmers here who hypothesized a few months ago that polling on anything beyond “who are you going to vote for?” is entirely useless.

People can say that canceling student debt is popular, but if Biden actually does it, there will be a MASSIVE backlash.


Hostage taking with rolling deferrals is probably the way to go, politically.

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Every progressive policy will be met with massive backlash because the country is full of ignorant selfish pricks that only approve of tax cuts and culture war nonsense.


Right, and I’m really not sure what the solution to that is.

There is just so much media out there (both traditional and social) that is just crack for the uninformed and/or selfish. I really don’t know how to combat that.

Here’s the thing though - Dems need to stop thinking the purpose of winning elections is to win the next election. If they wipe out the student debt and then lose the next election, the student debt is still gone. I know this is very superficial level 1 thinking, but to some extent declining to help people when you have power so that you don’t lose power so that you can not help people later when you still have power because then you might lose power is some fancy play syndrome. And run over decades, it fuels the fire of conservative rhetoric that the Deep Swamp doesn’t really want to help you.

Just fucking help people when you can and then worry about winning the election later is probably a superior approach then trying to just so triangulate every little thing and expecting to be praised for your technocratic wisdom. Technocratic wisdom isn’t rewarded by voters either. Nor is refusal to actually help them when you have power.