The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Support for Mitch McConnell as majority leader means Manchin > Romney.

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Also Judges and voting rights. Romney ocassionally isn’t insanely horrible like most Republicans but he is still a MASSIVE piece of shit. He’s completely fine with nuking black peoples voting rights and giving his Republican friends indefinite control of the government.

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jim carrey there is a chance dot geoff

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Ah yes, coal miners and coal mine owners, two groups that have a long history of aligned interests.


Especially given that one of the provisions in BBB puts the costs of some kind of black lung support on the coal mine owners instead of the taxpayers and that’s why the union supports it.

what percent of West Virginian parents are opioid addicts? maybe joe knows his stuff here.

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it’s actually quite amazing that we think of WV as the coal state, but the percentage of coal miners is still vanishingly small. it’s like under 30k “jobs” total. more people work at the dmv. no wonder manchin ignores them

Coal is a state of mind. It represents the good ole days like when Americans worked in factories making plastic toys.


Gimme that on a shirt.

The real coal was the friends we made along the way


More true than you know.

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Joe Munchkin facts: He was bigly friends with my mom’s former boss, a dyed-in-the-wool Republican scumlord exec of a coal company. Those were always his kind of people. Silver lining: that dirtbag has been dead for years.


My wife’s grandmother did just that at Fisher Price in Buffalo.

The worlds biggest jerk off motion

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But whos gonna payyyyyyyyyy forrrrr itttttrrr ehhsjdhejehdhdndjdufhdy

Take this deal if it actually exists

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Get that and then see what you can get from Manchin on the rest.


Cant get 60 votes I dont think, and progressives arent gonna punt BBB to reinstate child tax credit and burn a reconciliation.

As for student loans, Id say its good news unless you are someone who still actually cares if Dems win in 2022. Id have no confidence these people arent dumb enough to sit there in like September 2022 and say “pandemic in a better place, start em back up”

I mean, fine, whatever. This would be a good strategy if it actually was a strategy instead of a reactionary knee jerk reaction to criticism (but note, criticism works).