The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Child poverty in the richest nation in the history of the world is fucking despicable.

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And they collectively did absolutely nothing.

Was it privately on his yacht. Fuck Manchin, worthless piece of shit.

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Joe Biden getting elected on the backs of black people after relentlessly fucking them with crime bills and credit card corruption, after harassing Anita Hill in order to put Clarence fucking Thomas on the Supreme Court is some dark, dark shit.




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Love the fire. Deserved fire!

Fuck this asshole. He admitted today he was never going to vote for it no matter what!

Yet he is like the most listened to Dem strategist type.

Funny, I donā€™t remember hearing any objections from Manchin when he voted to spend $7.7T+ over the next decade on the military like a week ago.

This should get through to the anti-vaxers

new puppy and a new cat

and major got dumped

thatā€™s the real news here guys

Hereā€™s the latest eDem wisdom.

Hey fucknuts, he admitted heā€™s never voting for anything.

Replies are all I have left to live for:

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Stupid question (I mean, I probably know the answer, butā€¦): Why didnā€™t Democrats just include all this shit in the defense bill?

Doesnā€™t 10 years of pre-k help poor people? Getting some of what you want is better than getting nothing. It seems like it would be super trivial for blue states to give poor people $200/month for their kids at the state level if that is such a big deal.

The Republicans can offer an amendment to split it out that Manchin is free to vote for.

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Romneyā€™s child tax credit thing is way better than the Dems anyway. Should just do that ā€“ donā€™t need Manchin.

Is there any policy where Romney is not better than Machin?

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Iā€™m not really following politics that much but heard this amazing quote on a podcast.

Trump thinks he was president of the red states. Biden thinks he is president of 1992.