The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They’re probably all too busy texting while driving to notice.


Going great guys


Can you just imagine if the CDC under Trump had given that 5 day guideline?

Every Democrat would be losing their shit.


Vaccines weren’t available at that time

At this time

Everyone has made a choice

Unvaxed are gonna die



I’ve been reading the most recent Caro book on Lyndon Johnson and it’s just absolutely fucking infuriating. That guy used every ounce of leverage at every moment, it’s impossible to read about him and not think Democrats are, to some degree, in on it (or have far different goals than they claim).


And here’s the craziest part: he used his leverage even for shit he didn’t really want to do like the Civil Rights Act that he supposedly said would hand the South to Republicans for a generation.

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yeah LBJ would have absolutely had Machin’s daughter insta-indicted, god knows what he would have done to sinema.


you guys are sounding dangerously close to “maybe make the presidency great again”. 1960s were some of the most corrupt in us government. like the VP (agnew) was straight up taking bribes because they were not impeachable.

LOL nothing has changed in that regard. It’s called lobbying and they’ve made it legal.

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you should read up in agnew.

Agnew was taking bribes when he was Governor of Maryland, he just allowed the bribes to keep flowing once he was VP.

LBJ did lots of horrendous shit like whipping his dick out constantly but he at least wielded the power of his office for good instead of worrying about being reelected.

it’s a fascinating history. agnew was taking bribes since way before he was gov, and actes as a demagogue/free press attack dog/heir apparent to nixon. ultimately disbarred for being of ‘obtuse character’. i would bet he was still taking bribes as vp, but i haven’t read the book on him from last year.

waiting for a prez who wields his dick for good, we are probably going to end up with bill clinton again

What are they doing recently and now…?

If Manchin/Sinema didn’t tank it for these peanuts, the big corps would offer more peanuts around Congress.
Manchin/Sinema are just the cheapest atmo.
It’s a price point thing.

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Yeah, I think that was McDonnell v US and they set the standard as something like “unless you hand them a sack of money with a $ on it and say ‘I am giving you this money to do X’ and they acknowledge they are accepting the bribe with a notary public present and then follow through, it’s not illegal”


It’s almost like filling the entire Supreme Court with failson bought and paid for stooge types from Harvard or Yale has been part of the plan for decades or something.

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I think your heart is in the right place, but I think that this might be a misuse of “failson”.

Kav is closest to being a failson. I wouldn’t really fight you on him. Which of the others qualify?

Gorsuch’s mother was EPA head under Reagan.