The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I know this thread has been a lot of doom and gloom, but I have some good news for you here!


Lol, Breyer…

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Trump was good at starting some new shit to distract from other shit whether he tried it consciously or not. Dems just keep digging. They will probably try some last minute shit when it is entirely too late to change anything.

Would hurt a lot more if you had ever been right about much in your entire posting history. I mean it is a provable fact that rich people pay Dems (at least the majority plus the entirety of the leadership) to make them simultaneously feel less bad about themselves and protect their wealth. If you think rich people and corporations are spending billions to get Dems elected out of a sense of morality rather than a sense of self-interest then lol you.

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I truly think they have no idea how badly they’re alienating an entire generation.

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Didn’t Elizabeth Warren already push through part of the stimulus package that makes it so forgiven student loans are no longer treated as taxable income? It’s ALL SET, right there on a fucking platter, but you know my dad just loved cars, boy did he know how to drive! Peelin’ out in that Vette right in Cornpop’s neighborhood, now that was a man!

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“Every means” except actually doing it, right Chucky? Your con job is over bro.

Fun fact, the parliamentarian is a former INS prosecutor.

i was just thinking earlier today how any time someone starts out their statement with, "honestly, " you know the next thing they’re gonna say is bullshit, and the listener knows it’s bullshit, so they feel they need to preface it with, “i know this is going to sound like bullshit, but go with me here…” and they actually try to convince the other person that this obvious lie is actually truth.


Universal truth when cross-examining someone was when they started with “to be honest” they were lying.

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All very true. We only need to look at the reaction to the withdrawal from Afghanistan to know that no lessons from Vietnam stuck. With Vietnam and Afghanistan, the overriding concern among Americans was the embarrassment of not being able to bully foreigners into submissions with their big army. It’s a nation full of emotionally fragile males.

One big difference between the 30 years that followed Vietnam and the 30 years we are about to enter is that the Nixon/Reagan era coincided with the ascension of America as the sole global power. They did, in fact, beat the Evil Commies. The next 30 years are much more likely to see the decline of America as the sole global power and the ascension of China. Americans will definitely make a lot of big, ugly, messy mistakes as a nation but we won’t see a return of the Reagan years. Even the Reagan years required the maintenance of widely held American mythology (The Shining City On The Hill) and that is not possible post internet. It’s tough to predict the future with any certainty but I would guess the next couple of decades in the US with be characterized by a broad decline. In my mind the only real question is if their institutions with hang together with duct tape just strong enough that everything gets, like, 3% worse per year for 20 years and then stabilizes, or will the institutions collapse and America just becomes White Christian ISIS With Football. The prospect of the later is frighteningly likely.


The theory has been that recent immigrants from socialist/communist countries (Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua) drove that perception. But, it was actually those who were farthest away from the immigrant experience who were more sensitive to this argument. Or, as the Equis report put it: “There isn’t a drop-off as Hispanics become assimilated— it is the opposite.”

In fact, Equis found that among voters they identified as Democratic or independent and who voted for Trump, 32 percent put the economy as their top issue, while 34 percent listed COVID. Just 9 percent identified immigration as a top issue in their vote. “Ultimately, support for Trump on the economy and COVID and the intersection of the two (i.e., his focus on reopening the economy) stick out as major drivers of his vote among Latinos.”

However, “week-to-week data show some Latinos had started moving toward Trump before Floyd’s murder, and the trend did not appreciably accelerate or spike up during the protests that followed.”

And, while many of them personally knew someone who had lost or job due to COVID, many also had a negative perception of the 2021 COVID stimulus legislation, feeling like it went to people who didn’t need or deserve it. “There were people who needed the stimulus, like those who were unemployed,” said one older Latina swing voter. “But they gave money to everyone, including those who didn’t need it. And, now we are all paying for it because everything is going up.”

The good news for Biden/Democrats is that many of these voters also believe that the rise in prices and supply chain challenges directly results from the pandemic, not Democratic policy. Moreover, only a handful of these voters were openly hostile in their opinion of the president. They weren’t as angry as they were disappointed.

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Oh god are we fucked.

We are moving into an ever automated society that will 100% demand some type of basic income and a huge percentage of people are completely blind to it.

Our homeless crisis is going to increase by factors in the upcoming decades.


They probably don’t really care all that much, especially the further up the ladder you get. They’re all old, doing fine and are happy. Psaki’s glib press conferences sum up the general attitude.

Well that pretty much sums it up for me, over decades, and especially on immigration. Might just be too tired to be very angry.

Reminds me a lot of your attitude when someone suggests that Elizabeth Warren might have done a bad thing by taking SuperPAC money when it was time to support Bernie


Not trying to pick open old scabs, but the whole bipartisan infrastructure bill/BBB fiasco is a good illustration of why I was so adamantly against Warren’s plan to do a public option in year one and then come back a few years later to pass m4a. As a practical matter, 100% of the time that strategy means there is no intention to do the second thing.

Of course, it would have been better than Biden who campaigned on a public option but in reality is not going to do a god damn thing about healthcare.

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The #1 job in the Midwest is truck driver. That’s gone in 10 years, I think. 20 for sure

At the rate that driverless is improving id put a bet on closer to 5