The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

There was a poll that like 70% of Biden voters supported M4A and many were talking about Biden supporting it lol.

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With BBB dead, at least I can still do backdoor Roths in 2022, but SALT not coming back is going to cost me some money.

I still remember during the early primaries when everybody was still in, some moron being interviewed in Iowa or whatever saying ā€œM4A is the most important issue for me, and thatā€™s why Iā€™m voting Biden!ā€


This was what I remembered too but when I spent 3 minutes Googling yesterday I discovered that at least in SC M4A was viewed as a bad thing by 53% of Dem primary voters. Biden lost SC by almost 12% in the general of course so itā€™s kind of funny that it was the deathblow to Bernieā€™s campaign.

this argument seems like the one the dems will/have used about how ā€œIvy league grads donā€™t need loan reimbursementā€, leaving out the fact that 0.3% of federal student loans are held by ā€œivy league gradsā€ā€¦

means testing just ends up making it more difficult for the people that need the money to get it through unnecessary hoops that dont actually end up saving a relevant amount of moneyā€¦


Gee, I cant imagine why?

Old boomer promises the world and delivers nothing fucking younger generations over financially for decades. Where have I heard that story before?


This is so obviously correct. D leadership is just too stupid, old, inept, slow-footed and corrupt to respond effectively to the R playbook.

They are going to get waxed for the next decade.


Trump should really run on reinstituting the Trump student loan freeze. I mean, he can just totally not keep that promise because if he wins heā€™s never leaving office, but he should run on it.

The GOP criticized Obama for wearing a tan suit and asking for mustard for his burger FFS and these jabronis are worried about giving them ammo for attacks?

Iā€™m not sure if that or their moronic belief that they can get Republican votes to pass meaningful legislation is stupider.

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The Democrats are doing exactly what they are designed to do. It isnā€™t more complicated than that imo.


i guess he didnā€™t say what his stance on the issue was.

Its cool. It seems clear that some people are happy with Democrats, some people arent. Thats the beauty of (for now) democracy, we will get a scorecard in November on what the country thinks of the current strategy. Sort of interested to tune in and see how it turned out.

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There are (a lot of) people who voted for Joe Biden and Democratic Congressional candidates because Joe Biden and Democratic Congressional candidates promised to do a bunch of shit they now are in fact not doing. As the Democrats control the entire fucking federal government and also wonā€™t even do the stuff that can be done without congress, their usual ā€œbut we triedā€ routine doesnā€™t seem to be playing well! Pretty simple stuff. Maybe David Shor can tell me why dogshit do nothing centrism is good, actually, but itā€™s gonna be a tough sell for me after they lose 40 seats and the Senate.


I think so too. Especially on top of things like Pelosi refusing to end insider trading, a big push for SALT giveaways, waving through a giant defense bill, Bidenā€™s milquetoast COVID response etc. But we will see. Maybe I have Social Media Brain, maybe there is a massive red wave coming. By this time next year we will know I guess.

Shouldnā€™t have voted for infrastructure, sucker.

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Itā€™s a complete and total failure of the liberal ruling class, how the fuck has Brennan not stepped down yet? These stupid selfish fucks canā€™t even do the bare minimumā€¦ā€¦
