The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

What we should have learned from Trump is that you should just do stuff via executive order and force the court systems to stop you. If they do stop you, then you get credit for trying.


Narrator: voter reform isnā€™t passing either. It will be shelved in 2022 in favor of increasing police and military funding.






I only struck out at T-ball likeā€¦ 3 or 4 times.

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Newsom is pretty close. Early 50s, and doesnt seem to give much of a shit when he does unpopular things with the right.


Rep. Ro Khanna warned Tuesday that the Biden administrationā€™s plan to restart federal student loan payments in February could hurt Democratsā€™ chances in the upcoming midterm elections by placing an additional financial burden on millions of people, right in the middle of a deadly pandemic.

It seems like a given that they lose the House and Senate anyway, so Iā€™m not sure why anyone would want anything less than total obliteration. Although I guess thereā€™s the Senate supermajority to consider since Republicans will definitely respect the tradition of the filibusā€¦ HAHAHAHAHA sorry couldnā€™t keep a straight face.

Not sure if this was mentioned here, tiny crack in filibuster reform, at least raises the possibility of passing a voting rights bill.

It sets the precedent that they can ā€œjust this one timeā€ set aside the filibuster. No reason why they canā€™t say that something like voting rights deserves another carveout.


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The $770 billion war machine budget passed 90-10 today, LOL DEMOCRATS

Worth watching if u havnā€™t

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Yeah, but you can only get a carveout if enough Republicans vote for it, which they arenā€™t doing for voting rights.

If Dems nominate Hillary I am going to laugh my ass off, but I donā€™t see it happening.

Well, fuck.

I just want her to run again so I can watch her lose a third time. Hopefully in the primaries? But if the democrats are dumb enough to nominate her they deserve the subsequent curbstomping in the general.

This is true only if you want the carveout to be bipartisian.

I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being snarky or if you didnā€™t understand that there was a bipartisan agreement to let Democrats vote for a debt ceiling raise because a) Republicans donā€™t want to default but b) donā€™t want their votes attached. Dems were happy to go along and take whatever the electoral hit may be without asking for anything in return.

I donā€™t think Dems have 50 votes to try to force anything through, no matter how much pressure they put on Manchin and Sinema, so I assume that any carveout will have to be bipartisan in nature under the current Senate.