The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I said this in 20 and 16, but again: if the DNC had any brains at all they would just nominate Trump before the Republicans do.

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Passing the infrastructure bill based on Grandpa promising to deliver was really fucking stupid.

The strategy should have been to get Biden to agree to forgive at least some student debt before payments resume if he couldn’t get Manchin to agree to BBB before the end of the year.

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They got literally nothing in return. Fucking pathetic.

Democrats losing is all part of the plan.

Think they’ll suffer from Republican policies? They’re millionaires ffs! They love Republicans.

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Progressives are kind of bad at negotiating. I know people are upset about Buttigieg making a deal with Biden during the primaries. I don’t really see anything unethical about that, despite it being unprecedented. It felt more like Bernie was bad at making deals and if the left was better at negotiating, there would be more of a leftward shift in the party.

The actual left is hamstrung by their crippling desire to actually helping other people and not pretending that all of politics is an elaborate horse trading game of influence and esoteric rules and expensive lunches paid for by lobbyists. Donnie Dumb Dumb’s railing against a deep state that doesn’t care about real people is mostly argle barble nonsense but it has a shadow of Worse Person You Know Made A Good Point.


It’s kind of like poker. If you see chips as money, that makes you play weak-tight. It’s better if chips are just chips. The left would actually help more people, have a higher EV if you will, if it would stop caring too much about individual people instead of seeking to maximize the greater good despite collateral damage.

Politics isn’t necessarily an elaborate horse trading game, but it does have aspects of a game, such that game theory can inform people on how to act within that framework if they want to maximize their goals. At the same time, politics doesn’t work according to some Enlightenment scheme based solely on reason. Trying to force it to be that way then whining when it doesn’t work because people are human is a really bad strategy.

Bernie’s pretty good at negotiating, at least normally. He shouldn’t have ran as a transformative anti Democrat. He should have ran as a Joe Biden institutionist who happens to be left wing. It’s hard to see what Bernie could have offered Butteig that Biden couldn’. Maybe VP?

Difficult to pull this off when you joined the Democrats about 5 minutes before your run in 2016 and the entire party establishment disagrees that you are one of them.

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This is one of the reasons why Warren would have been a better vehicle and Bernie should have gotten behind her, although I think he may have been right that a woman couldn’t beat Trump.

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Hold on folks. Nancy says it’s ok to trade stocks. Glad that’s settled.



We should be less of a free market economy.


No, republicans voted to let them not have a filibuster on this one bill in another unrelated bill.

The media is so terrible. The instant follow ups are so obvious. I give up, the bad guys won, gg.

Lol @iron81 stanning for these scumbags.

Bernie did not have the support of a majority of democratic voters in a head to head matchup against Biden. Biden wafflecrushed him with African Americans and you can’t win a democratic primary while getting waffle-crushed with AA’s. It’s as simple as that. Elizabeth Warren is not the reason Bernie lost. Democratic primary voters are.

Edit: And given what we now know about 2020, I’m fairly confident Bernie loses the election (while probably winning the popular vote). Bernie would have run up the score maybe amongst working class whites in red states, but he wouldn’t have carried AA’s enough in the crucial cities of Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, etc. Bernie’s time was 2016. I think he maybe beats Trump in 2016 (and I voted for him in ‘16). But not in ‘20.


I agree with the first paragraph. Not the second.

Bernie wasn’t good at negotiating alliances to shore up his weakness among black voters.

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