The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

This strategy loses 100 House seats, so yeah, that’s probably the strategy the Dems will follow.


he also said that he’d rather invest in preK than student loans. since he’s negotiating with sinema and manchin, he’s definitely going to have to throw out one of the babies.

i dunno, i’d love my niece and nephew get a student loan break (they are freshmen) for next four years. i paid off my student loans, so i’m getting nothing anyway. it would be nice if he cancelled any amount, but BBb and some other shit is probably more important

Say “comply or I’m having the Justice Dept investigate your daughter”.


How many times is Manchin going to tell us he isn’t going to support BBB before we take yes for an answer?


If the vaccine stopped as little as progressives were getting out of these eDem bills, it would not have been FDA approved.


i would impeach a president for that. doesn’t matter the party

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There’s very little reason to believe the Dems not killing the filibuster would be respected by Republicans. The handing power to the majority argument is a weak one.

I think they’ll be hesitant to dump the legislative filibuster because Republicans benefit from it more than Dems and McConnell sees that and knows the Dems are cowards who won’t make the first move. They will absolutely dump it though should the need arise.

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More like eDems giving progressives ivermectin and asking why they are still whining about COVID.

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Also they’re a coin flip to get to 60 in 2024, the map is horrendous. And the coin flip assumes legitimate elections.

So are we cool with means testing student loan relief, or is that bad for some reason?

Yeah depends if they can upgrade the top of the ticket or not.


Best case scenario for Dems is a straight trade PA for GA. They ain’t winning anything else. They could also lose AZ, NV and NH. CO if things get really bad.

And then this in 2024:

There are ZERO pick up opportunities there. They are absolutely fucked in WV and OH. MT a probable loser. AZ and NV at risk again. WI and MI are trouble; even MN could be at risk. ME does dumb things sometimes. And has VA been turning red recently? And all of this is going to be with Trump at the top of the ticket.

Dems could go minus 10 in 2024 alone.

What the fuck are they going to run on in 2024? It’s fucking over already.

COVID relief and infrastructure.

Oh and orange man bad.

Vote for us and we’ll fire Louis DeJoy for real.


Need a name for this kind of thinking, Centrist Brain, maybe? Yeah, this is exactly why the Overton window shifts so far to the right. Rather than evaluate Dem accomplishments on the problems we are facing that need addressing, you think it’s a a winning argument to compare Dem accomplishments against the party that is perfectly fine with the status quo dumpster fire of failing empire pillaging.

Imagine still thinking the filibuster was a good thing, lol.[quote=“iron81, post:3492, topic:5515, full:true”]
No, because a lot of this stuff is outside of strategic control. There is no galaxy brain strategy that will make Manchin vote to kill the filibuster. Not that killing the fillibuster is such an awesome idea, it saved us from a lot when the Rs we’re in charge. For a bunch of people who think the Ds are going to lose power, you’re sure in a hurry to hand more power to the majority.

I doubt it. The banks and loan services are just really loan servicers. They get their money if the federal government cancels the debt, the money comes from the federal government. The only one with standing to sue would be the federal government itself, which Joe Biden leads. So, yeah…

Lol, no. If McConnell believed he had 50 votes to pass something that could be filibustered, he would have killed the filibuster in a hot second. It wasn’t the filibuster that saved us from truly awful legislation. It was 2 or 3 slightly less awful gop senators.

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