The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I dunno, maybe there really is something wrong w/ our universities? Everything I know about them tells me they are designed to produce Kyrsten Sinema types. Sure, I’ll say the right pronouns but just give poor people money? Eww, gross!


Thinking that a tiny percentage of people who make a disproportionate amount of Twitter noise should get a huge unearned windfall represents the mainstream is class Social Media Brain™. Progressives are making an excellent case for blaming them for any 2022 losses because they are doing everything they can to make it happen right now.

Take the L.

Anyone who was born after like 1970 has been taking Ls their whole life.

2022 is going to be a disaster and 2024 is going to be a bloodbath unless something changes very very soon.

What are eDems doing to win in 2022?

Ooooh baby, Repeal of Trump Methane Emissions Rule is going to turn the voters out.


I don’t give a shit if Democrats lose in 2022, in fact I’m leaning towards actively rooting for a curb stomping.


Tiny percentage? Like 60% of people go to college these days and forgiving $10k of their debt as he promised is the least Biden can do after his generation turned our so called non-profit educational system into a rapacious capitalist pig.


But there is the rub, if he forgives the $10k he is admitting there is an underlying problem with what our colleges are doing and then doesn’t he therefore have also an obligation to fix that problem? Seems hard… better to just go into denial and tell the kids to fuck off.

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Trump is going to be the only candidate that Biden can beat in 2024.

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why? he can only erase federal ed loan debt, no? if they were just repaying something serviced by a bank, the third party would welcome it.

i dunno what this is all about. i’d rather they passed bbb, than pull student shenanigans. like free community college, or even just two years of state school, is a better idea than loans.

In one year, they have already passed as many pieces of major legislation (COVID bill, infrastructure) as the Rs passed in 4 ( COVID bill, tax cuts). When the Rs whiffed on repealing Obamacare, their signature policy proposal for a decade, the whole party immediately forgot about it. Their thought leaders and activists weren’t ginning up anger trying to get retweets.

My plan? Remove the accomplishments from the memory hole and run on them.

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kinda facepalming that this person went to college tho. i guess they may not have finished either

Pretty sure he’s trolling Joe/Dems

are you prepared to barricade state capitols when gop take over?

Forgot to mention that R leadership took 3 SCOTUS seats for their constituents by being ruthless, allowing them to implement huge chunks of their agenda outside Congress and even better…… in a way that Ds can’t reverse for a generation.

Outstanding student loan debt is like $1.73 trillion with no way to bankrupt out of it. It’s a massive and growing problem that has to be dealt with imo and this fucker literally promised to do something

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He literally ran on it and his own tweets from saying these things about student loan debt are being used to mock him. He will take the L.

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If forgiving student loans will cost you Manchin’s on BBB, how should Biden and the Democrats navigate that?

You forgot the Department of Defense budget. You know, the one where they gave more money than even the Pentagon asked for.

That was some great work by the Dems.

Sign BBB then cancel the loans.


No, because a lot of this stuff is outside of strategic control. There is no galaxy brain strategy that will make Manchin vote to kill the filibuster. Not that killing the fillibuster is such an awesome idea, it saved us from a lot when the Rs we’re in charge. For a bunch of people who think the Ds are going to lose power, you’re sure in a hurry to hand more power to the majority.