The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Pathetic. Even the Washington Generals at least pretend to be trying.

If you were trying to ensure that you would get absolutely devastated in the midterms, what would you do differently than the current Democratic Party?


Haha You’re welcome guys, isn’t it great to pay your loans and everything feels normal again?

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Probably not completely irrelevant that he has spent like 40+ years in government protecting the interests of credit card companies.

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no i agree that could be part of it, its just comical

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What a clear disaster we’re heading straight towards, but ol’ Joe likes to drive fast, floor it! Look at Sunglasses Joe go!

What the fuck happened to the Dept of Education opinion that Biden asked for at the beginning of 2021? It was supposed to clarify once and for all if he could just erase student debt with an order. Back in October or so AOC and some others started demanding for that to be released, and to my knowledge it has not. Wouldn’t be surprised if it states he can do so.

Judging by that pivot from Psaki, where she renegs on a campaign promise, passes the buck, dismisses the concerns of millions in debt, all with disdain and irritation, I don’t think anything promising is coming. Joe is simply an old establishment Dem coward. It’s such a clear win I’m baffled at their public stance right now.


It’s probably impossible to overestimate the degree to which the decision makers in the Biden Administration are completely cut off from mainstream views on this board. To the extent anyone under 40 is involved at all, it’s pollster types telling them they can’t alienate old white people. This situation is truly hopeless.

I dunno, I think this is all Joe as would bet the White House has tons of youngish Obama bro types telling him to do this shit. Political staffing below the Cabinet positions is generally a young person’s game.

Ineffective, out of touch, deceitful, “got mine” Joe Biden’s undeniably awful stance on student loans might make me bring photoshop out of retirement. That Psaki answer’s got my mower way up there

Biden, this Feb 17th:

“My point is: I understand the impact of debt, and it can be debilitating,” Biden said. “I am prepared to write off the $10,000 debt but not $50 [thousand], because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”


I never understood his insistence that he is allowed to cancel $10K but not more. It’s cowardly old man ass covering. Where is the Education Dept memo/opinion he asked for? Why the hell do we simply not know exactly what he CAN do, so we can differentiate from what he is WILLING to do? It’s starting to look like a setup to fool people that they should be overjoyed for the eventual $10K cancellation because oh wow old Joe really had to work so hard in the political trenches to get there.

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Who do they think they’re fooling? Just a perfect encapsulation of the Democratic Party. I kind of understand only pretending to try on stuff that actually matters to donors like carried interest, estate tax, SALT, etc., but this issue is a complete freeroll and they’re still fucking it up. How can anyone vote for these fucking assholes in 2022. They’re going to lose anyway, may as well make it a curbstomping.

Who would even have legal standing to challenge an EO cancelling any amount of student debt?

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Maybe a bank or loan servicer?

But he has the goddamned authority. It’s just so infuriating. I’m more pissed about the votes it’s going to cost than the debt relief.

The thing that makes the situation pretty bleak is that I don’t think there exists a faction in the Democratic Party who are good at doing politics. The establishment obviously suck at it, but I think the Squad and the left of the party more generally are also pretty hopeless. Bernie was good but 2020 was still a bit too early for him. Need more Boomers to die but unfortunately he is also a Boomer who is going to die.

And I mean, this is why liberals lose so goddamned always. Say what you will about the awful conservatives…I mean, they basically only promise their rank and file GUNZ and GAWD and FREEDOM FROM ABORTION and TAX CUTZ (that mostly don’t benefit them but still do kind of?) and yeah it’s basically nothing, but by damn they deliver it or die trying.

Meanwhile we manage to strike out playing tee ball.

What the Dems need is like a good looking 45 year old who will just do the fucking populism. It’s kind of astonishing that in a country of 300 million people I can’t think of a single person who fits the bill.

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Like In-and-Out, the Republicans have mastered a small menu.


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