The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I was getting to that.

It doesn’t take that many to make a big difference. Also, it wil motivate them to go to the polls, even if they already weren’t voting for Biden.

ETA: I still think it’s the right thing to do, but I think y’all are crazy if you think it won’t be a major issue amongst ppl without student loans.

Tuning out news about the democratic party and politics in general =/ doing nothing. Just because people tune out of the news cycle because we know nothing good is happening doesn’t mean you aren’t helping progressives in primaries or being an activist.

Yeah, the real political “risk” of wiping out student loans is that you do it, you give the Rs something to bullshit about forever, and after all that the people you helped don’t bother voting for you anyway.

A better policy from a politically manipulative perspective would be to have the Federal government pay all student loan payments right up until the month before the midterms and then 24/7 blast the message that people with student loans need to vote Dem or the Rs will restart their student loans. Then do it again, pay student loan payments right up to October 2024 and bang the drum over and over and over again that people need to vote Dem again or the Rs will restart their student loans. The Dems aren’t aggressive enough to do this but it’s the kind of thing that is needed to whip up votes. Rs constantly drive turnout with fear. Dems need a play of their own to counter that, but that would require such massive changes in attitude that it can’t happen IRL.

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After 10 years of payments while working for that employer, and assuming you got each payment just right and filled out the paperwork correctly. Biden has made some improvements to PSLF that seem genuinely good, but the program has been a shit show. It’s something like 1-2% of applicants ever get their loans forgiven.

I am now a Master of accounting :man_dancing:

…just in time for student loan payments :money_with_wings:


Grats fellow Accountancy Master

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That’s because the goal isnt to win, it’s to get the biggest, smoothest conveyer belt of money to financial interests. He’s a Delaware guy and the corporations there are his constituency, not any actual people.


He also like soldiers. Soldiers and banks.

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lol “accountancy” is such a dumb word. I’m pretty sure I never heard it uttered before starting that program and probably won’t again unless someone reads my diploma aloud. I even asked the admissions counselor, “WTF do they call it that? No one uses that word” and she was all like “lol ikr idk :woman_shrugging:t3: “

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Are you going to go for CPA. Good luck if so. It’s fun :slight_smile:

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Yeah something like this. After my wife was done going back to school we were paying loans like normal while she was working for someone that qualifies for PSLF. We didn’t know that we were on the wrong type of loan till way later. Had to switch to an income based reduciton loan that is basically not even covering interest. So new payments were way less, but qualified. This new change is legit great news as it now will allow those old payments to count so long as your employer at the time was a qualifying one.

I don’t even know what legislation this went in .

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$10k minimum back in March 2020, I wonder what changed his mind.


Who needs legal weed and student loan forgiveness when he’s offering this! Which we may never get.

It’s really too bad there’s not some kind of tool the President could use to unilaterally do overwhelmingly popular things like this, some kind of Order or something. Such a shame.



Good luck in the midterms. Mind blowing combination of political suicide and wholly unnecessary cruelty.



Truly inspiring stuff.


Just infuriating that they think everyone is that fucking dumb.

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Lotta this. They just don’t get it. When they lose 30 seats they’ll just find a way to blame progressives as always.