The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Text is up, so theoretically Manchin should be able to give an up or down here. Just needs some light 2400 page reading this afternoon

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Very good faith

Honestly we have a better chance running UP posters as MAGA candidates then doing a heel turn than we do with Democrats.


No we need a vote on BBB, not agreement on text

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i had a discussion about the progressive caucus recently. a perfectly reasonable boomer democrat thought that pramila (of all people) would have to soften her position and come to the center. i was “wtf? no! progressives got more than half the house and 48 senators to commit to a popular issue. four or even two years ago they would have gotten maybe 20 congresspeople total. even if this bill fails, they need to get more progressive, because the public is moving towards them, not against.”

manchin and sinema are as good as done in the dem party. pandering to them is not only hopeless, it’s bad strategy. i’d be surprised if they got re-elected, although it’s probably going to be due to challengers from different sides of the spectrum. sinema will see the writing on the wall in the primary, and manchin in the general.


Basically a lock Breyer bites it on November 9th next year.

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force him to resign, appoint a Dem from NC

50 votes ez



Had the same sort of discussions this morning. It is very frustrating.

Doesnt even have to he might just retire then for lolz

I could make a case for progressives needing to compromise if that compromise were halfway between what progressives want and what Manchin wants, while caving on the climate change stuff that is a red line for Manchin. But we’re not getting that sort of compromise. So the progressive caucus is justified in this stance.

Do any House Rs plan to vote for infrastructure? A lot of Senate Rs did and if a significant number do the Progs won’t be able to veto it.

Both bills are good, people just get upset watching the sausage making.

Maybe wait until we see the reconciliation bill text before declaring it good?

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in a vacuum, it’s good. but from the original proposal, manchin and sinema cost the american public at least $1T each in public investments.

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If this was the case, it would have happened a month ago. House R leadership whipped against it.

A subset of progressives think the infrastructure bill is bad on the merits.

But, again, the issue here isnt even yet what’s in the package, its that the moderates havent committed to support BBB.

But think how much they saved for billionaires.

It’s 150b/yr. Is that really bigger than the ACA?