The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Nominating Merrick Garland was an epic fucking disaster.

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Don’t we still have Louis Dejoy as postmaster general?

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wtf. when did they shoot that?

I mean the covid relief bill and 300 a month for kids definitely made a lot of lives better. It’s worth it just for that.

Regardless how the Senate played out we were going to get wrecked in 2022 without voting rights so long term plays don’t really matter. Every little bit of help people get before we succumb to minority rule is a plus

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Yup, I’m with ya as far as the utility of having that luxury, regardless of how well it’s been used. I’m just wondering if there’s a chance that being cockblocked at 51-49 now could maybe have led to a motivated voter base in '22 that actually pushed us to 52+ seats and the prospect of legitimately getting shit done, although that may be kind of a SSC take.

As played, even with the relatively friendly Senate map we’re probably looking at breaking even if we’re lucky.

Having 50 votes was important to at least get Breyer’s replacement on the Supreme Court before he croaked under R rule. Oh wait…… fucking shitlibs.

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Completely agree. From their perspective they’re 100 years old and only care about their direct power and influence so from their perspective it’s better to pass something.

Doubtful because we still would have to overcome voter suppression. That’s going to be a couple point swing in most of the states that matter.

We needed to get like 52+ Senate seats and have them willing to nuke the filibuster to fade the incoming fascism

Supposedly they are “trying to get text together today” but lol, just forcing this vote today would show leadership not acting in good faith. “Dont wait for the text or else you hate Biden but, FYI, Manchin needs to see the text”

I hope they vote and it fails.


If they vote today I certainly hope it fails


problem is that they give a shit if something happens

It’d be nice if the point of this vote were to demonstrate to Manchin that progressives have their heels dug in and he has to compromise if he wants a bill passed (and I think he sincerely wants something passed…Sinema, I’m not so sure about).


this stuff is like seriously level 1 game theory. if progressives cave and vote yes today, the reconciliation bill is dead, period, the end. It doesn’t matter what “framework” Biden says they have a deal on, literally nothing will actually get out of the senate. People pretending otherwise are either the wojak with the caved-in skull or they’re trying to pull one over on you, it’s literally that simple.

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right, this is correct. I put on CNN while eating lunch and some talking head was wagging her finger at progressives and tut tutting about how “do they want SOMETHING or do they want NOTHING” and what a fucking corporate shill, if they vote yes today they get … NOTHING. Holding out is LITERALLY the ONLY way to get “SOMETHING.”

Lots of Dems are dumb or not following along and are taking this line.

Not enough money for CRT. I would vote against this bill.


Almost all of them. I’ve been saying corporate media is our biggest problem. They eat up whatever CNN tells them

Dems are terrible. They are so terrible that even their mantra Build Back Better sounds like a crappy off-brand.