The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

prices going up is inflation, it doesn’t matter how or why.

Biden is completely fucked–at least he tried on the initial bill that’s more than a lot of you thought.


Biden deserves to be fucked for being a spineless coward unwilling to get his hands even a little dirty. This entire situation makes me physically ill with rage. Imagine thinking Merrick Garland was the right man for the job going into this. Just imagine.

Biden needed to find his inner LBJ. Instead he acted just like Obama but without the benefit of the GOP’s behavior being a surprise.


In retrospect, the worst thing that could have happened to this admin (approval-wise anyway) was binking those two GA seats and winning “control” of both houses when in reality there was zero chance the Senate would ever pass anything ambitious. I mean give the GOP that 51st seat, and we’d be similarly getting absolutely nothing passed but we could still point to Mitch obstructing everything and possibly even build up more ill will toward their side than ours. The fact that there were some actual hopes and expectations is the brutal part.


I’m pretty excited to see how this all plays out. Seems like this has the potential to be a pivotal day in history.

I still think the media over the past 24 hours has largely been acting like we’re just gliding into the finish line and everything’s lining up to get it done. Very little mention of progressive resistance (e.g., PBS coverage).

If it all blows up now, there won’t be enough egg for all the faces (biden, pelosi, manchin, cinema, and the media will—or should—all get some). Unfortunately it will probably miss all of them and land on Bernie and AOC.

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This pivot to blame the progressives was clear for weeks, but if Biden and Pelosi want to commit suicide progressives cant stop them.

Can we start a progressive donation campaign to offer political donations to any member that votes this down?

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Stlll gotta add SALT of course, this is a tax cut for the rich.

The establishment ghouls have overplayed their hand. Shaming the left wing of the party into accepting means tested shit sandwiches worked when those members were dependent on the party machine for cash and support. They could credibly be threatened. Those days are over.

I’ve long argued on here that we should lower expectations, take incremental wins, etc. But this is just too much. Eventually you have to punch the bully in the mouth.

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Nah, people blame the president for everything, rightly or wrongly. Same thing that happened in 2014; R house, nothing happened, people either blamed Obama or got incredibly demotivated by nothing happening and didn’t bother to turn out and the Ds got obliterated. Electing people like Joe Biden who have no intention of delivering anything in the first place is the real problem.

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I think so too. I think Biden and Pelosi think they can bully this through and are going to get defeated, perhaps soundly.

If there was actually a firm deal at $1.75 with agreed upon text and Sinema and Manchin on board this passes. But this? Nah, Biden and Pelosi overplaying their hand.

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I don’t think Biden and pelosi want to do this. I think they’re just trying because they want to get something and were told by Manchin and Cinema this has to pass first or know reconciliation is unlikely to pass at all.

They’re trying this out of desperation

I mean, if it is true that Manchin and Sinema won’t pass ANYTHING other than infrastructure, as seems likely, the play is to start running against them in 2022. Yesterday. Coddling them is the exact wrong approach.

SALT is how you know this shit is ran by rich people in power. It will never die, it’s always kept getting put into everything, but anything, even popular things, that help lower class people keep getting announced DOA.

Dude they aren’t even getting rid of the carried interest loophole. Or stepped up basis. Or 1031 exchanges. It’s all a complete scam.

Right. If thats the case then when this fails, call their bluff. Pass a popular bill in the House, put it in the Senate, let Sinema and Manchin vote no. Rather than having these press conferences with King Manchin, let him field questions for a year about how he killed the Biden agenda. Leak things to the press about his daughter and holdings, he’s shown those questions bother him. Slow drip something every week. Let Sinema keep facing protesters wherever she goes. Beats rolling over for them with a dumb pass our bill then gosh we just couldnt get there on yours.


But what about if he goes GOP and we lose his vOrP!


actually it does matter how and why. most people talking about it with no nuance are trying to scare you.


Core consumer inflation focuses on the underlying and persistent trends in inflation by excluding prices set by the government and the more volatile prices of products, such as food and energy, most affected by seasonal factors or temporary supply conditions. Core inflation is also watched closely by policymakers. Calculation of an overall inflation rate—for a country, say, and not just for consumers—requires an index with broader coverage, such as the GDP deflator .

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Those two seats were always only going to be valuable for getting nominations through the Senate. Super important if you want to put someone in the DOJ who’s going to hold anyone in the previous administration accountable. Or getting a postmaster general who won’t sabotage the USPS. As played, yes, holding the Senate is worthless. I can’t think of a single thing a confirmed cabinet pick has done that couldn’t have been run through acting leadership.

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