The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The core idea of popularism is “check yourself before you wreck yourself,” which is fine, but it loses some punch when there’s a 50/50 senate and popularism is subsumed by “whatever Manchin and Sinema are willing to accept.” I mean most of what Manchin wants is isn’t particularly popular, because it’s basically “do nothing,” and I’m really not sure what Sinema wants, other than popular results that don’t involve legislation.

I wouldnt call it horrible just wholly inadequate. Id be an up vote on the merits probably, but the bill hasnt been written yet so hard to say. The whole process has been bullshit and certainly would be a nah on any infrastructure vote forced today

God we might get the vote down lol. Great job everyone!

Like look at this quote, supposed to vote yes based on this? Get the fuck out with this jam job.

Sinema: “After months of productive, good-faith negotiations with President Biden and the White House, we have made significant progress on the proposed budget reconciliation package. I look forward to getting this done, expanding economic opportunities and helping” families

If progressives cave BBB is going to get watered down more or die. Tell Nancy to fuck off.

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Look at this shit. Fuck Nancy and fuck Joe Biden. If they are dumb enough to bring this to the floor kill the whole agenda.

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Popularism meets Manchin and Sinema.

No way progressives get bullied like this. Fuck off, Nancy, they don’t need your money you piece of shit.

I really hope they dont get bullied. If put to the test, kill the whole agenda and start over. Dems deserve massive losses in midterms, they havent done shit and an bullshit infrastructure bill doesnt change that. There isnt even a BBB deal yet. Vote it down.

calling it, “progressives” gonna cave


It will be pretty damn funny when Lucy yanks the BBB football, ignoring the real world consequences.

A) Lol Biden, you ran on SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS

B) I can think of at least one guy who got literally everything he wanted.

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The framework isnt even agreed upon by 50 Senators.

Infrastructure Week, Baby!

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Biden: I am a capitalist

Yeah, no shit bro

What reason is there to think Manchin will vote for any bill?

Fucking hilarious that I gave up following loser sports franchises before I gave up following the dems


Biden: it’s never been a good bet to bet on 4 the hard way. That’s what I keep telling people.

Neither Manchin nor Cinema is even saying they support the framework, let alone the bill. LOL no chance progressives vote for this shit.

Correct thats the part thats so lol. THey cant vote for this.

The Squad needs to vote it down ,fuck biden ,pelosi and esp. garland.

I don’t see why the progressives don’t pull a Manchin and refuse to vote for anything less than the original bill or whatever else they want? If anything they should have less political pressure from their actual voters and way less pressure from their donors. Manchin is a genius for positioning himself as the final arbiter when any 1 Senator or any handful of House members could. I mean sure the progressives will get mercilessly shit on by the media but that already happens, who cares.