The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah, agreed. I don’t think the typical economist worries much about inflation, but they still love to talk about it mostly to brag about how it used to be a big problem but then the very smart economists fixed it.

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Seen this a few times this week.

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but people’s brains are also really bad at remembering sets of numbers like that. i certainly don’t have a good understanding of even monthly changes in prices at the store, i would need to recall the price chart for milk when i’m shopping to compare. if inflation is real it would translate into an increase of average transaction, and/or higher credit balances. and afaict, if those were true we’d at least hear maria bartiromo scream about it a lot more.

right. plus it’s a lot of the “well we can’t figure a perfect way to calculate this, rich people will do some tricks so it’s best that we just don’t do anything at all” baloney mixed in.

From my poorer and non-city slicker days, think the one “inflation metric” that the average person notices and talks about is gas prices.

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It must be because it’s in your face all the time every time you get in the car.

Yea, this. Even though we barely drive, every time we walk past a gas station my SO will point out how expensive gas is.

Of course there are a million reasons for gas prices moving other than “inflation” but good luck explaining that.

There are only two reasons actually, Biden’s radical socialist agenda causing runaway inflation and Ds overregulating those nice oil executives trying to give me cheap gas.


Eh, it depends. Persistent high inflation is problematic, although not as bad as persistent deflation, but from a political perspective it isnt as much of a problem if you are actually doing stuff for people. Poorer people are going to notice food and gas inflation, but if they actually now had access to affordable healthcare and paid leave and labor policy helped give them power to make up for part of it with higher wages so their debts became relatively cheaper it would be a lot easier to swallow.

It is going to be a problem at some point because if we have to raise rates the market is going to see a pretty meaningful correction IMHO, and whoever is in power will pay some political price for that even though what’s driving inflation now is basically out of Biden/Dems control.

LOL and Manchin already tanked the billionaire tax. “Divisive.” GG

Would be hilarious if it wasnt so bad. OK now whats the pay for?

No chance I would vote yes on the bipartisan bill until reconciliation is signed sealed and delivered by the Senate, these people cannot be trusted

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This fucking guy. Sounds like all paid leave and medicare expansion dead. Then has the fucking balls to be 'well we owe Biden a deal" because hes gonna try and get progressives to agree to his piece of shit legislation.

Progressives need to shit can the infrastructure bill again.


I mean they cant pass it for a framework, thats for sure. If Dems lose Virginia governor race, well, sounds like a you problem centrist dems.

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We need to bring back fights and duels imo.


A lot of merit/positives out of that to be honest.

Who was it telling me that it was foolish and self defeating to nuke Joe Manchin from orbit out of the party a month or two ago.

Welcome to the United States of Joe Manchin, who unilaterally controls the Democrat party. Who ever could have seen this coming except anyone who is remotely paying attention.

There is no value in passing some watered down garbage Joe Manchin approves of. There’s a lot of future value in excising this tumor to let people know that there are consequences to not actually supporting your people.

They will naturally roll over. WAAF.


I think most of us agree it’s better to nuke both bills and the centrists to die in a grease :fire:

Even so, it’s still better manchin is a Dem even if we get zero legislation because of judges and shit. Federal judges make a huge difference.

It sucks but it is what it is. We’re going to have decades of GOP hellscape rule so getting as many federal judges as possible will soften the fascism some

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I keep seeing this trotted out there and it theoretically would be valid except Joe Biden has successfully appointed a total of SEVEN judges.

(For reference Trump seated around 250 federal judges and 2 SC justices.)

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What? I read somewhere Biden has appointed way more judges than Trump at this point in presidency