The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Ejecting someone from your caucus and handing control of the Senate over to the other party is a reeeeeally tough sell.

That article says he has had 9 judges confirmed so far. So the wikipedia article might be slightly outdated but isn’t far off.

And actually that article is outdated also, it appears the correct number of judges seated by Biden is now 20. There also appear to be 82 vacancies currently and only a little more than 1/3 of them even have anyone appointed let alone confirmed to fill them (31/82).

now would be a good time for biden to learn something from the obamacare thumbs down debacle. treat schumer/manchin like trmp treated mcconnell/mccain. if nothing else, he would improve his favorability with democrats.


I will add Virginia race is a potential problem because if the Dems lose the governor race and the statehouse they will have to cross Virginia off as a potential source of electoral votes in '24 as doubtful the state will certify a D win.

Manchin made up a 15% patriotic tax proposal on the spot a little while ago. This steelhouse like proposal suggests everyone who gets tax liability down below 15% should pay 15% “patriotic tax”. Seems like this would be massively regressive on its face?

I’m sure someone can do better


Good news is that 40 progressives arent falling for this shit and arent voting for infrastructure without a firm agreement.

Seems optimistic this all gets resovled this week. Given the debt ceiling realities and the calendar this all seems like it is going to slip to 2022.

So today’s actually the day Joe Manchin became president?

I hope all the other Senators don’t realize they can all get anything they want in the bill just by demanding it.


They do. I read Peril by Woodward and Costa and some Senator layed into him on this point that any D Senator can do what Manchin and Sinema are doing.

Manchin and Susan Collins came across the worst in the book (obviously outside of Trump, his enablers and supporters, like Lindsey—what a self-important, spineless, sack of shit.). The main thing I got from the book is how out of touch Washington is. Susan Collins thought that going from $618B to $650B on the Rep’s “BBB” proposal was a great gesture.


Sinema wont increase rates so :man_shrugging: where we go now.

Manchin killed the IRS enforcement pay for too, at least the bank reporting part.

Yeah, Sanders is definitely aware of this power and has used it to try and smack some sense into Manchin for at least a month. I don’t know if this point made it into the op-ed but at one point he said:

Sanders also observed that he could withhold support for the larger Build Back Better plan because it doesn’t include many of his most important priorities, such as Medicare for All. “But I’m not going to do that,” he said, because it “would be irresponsible.”

Manchin arguing that all this good-faith negotiating merits a vote on the infrastructure bill. Bernie says that is dead for this week.

Seriously, fuck this guy.

Im just happy progressives arent caving. If Biden pivots to hey we need infrastructure passed because we need something, then they should tell him to go talk to Republicans in the House and find the votes there.

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Lol we negotiated some so just pass my shit so I can get on with my life and ignore the rest after you pass it

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Have the FBI and IRS go after his daughter and tell manchin and cinema donors to out pressure on them or you will bring the entire federal government down on them.

Tell them the EPA and other agencies will regulate them out of business

They could get it done if they really tried and were competent

He is beating Trump at this stage so at least there is that.

What if Manchin’s response is to either resign or refuse to negotiate until his daughter is left alone? Are you going to drop a legitimate investigation into her if he caves?

Investigate her pretending there’s a quid pro quo there, then after he caves keep investigating because fuck these corrupt pieces of shit.