The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The only point of ever doing the PhD is if she planned to do academic research which she clearly did not. It’s some weird credentialism fetish or something, so seems like the quality of her work tracks well with that. Also, I’d be completely not shocked to find out it was ghost written.

Democracy is swift!


Manchin just wants to watch the world burn…literally


Manchin is killing anything in the bill that gives any advantage to renewables over fossil fuels and has been pretty open about it. WSJ anti Tesla subsidy op ed today might have reminded him to get rid of this too.

The Riverman theorem!

This is my take.


If nothing else, it will piss off billionaires that we DARE question their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to untaxed unrealized capital gains.


Literally the level of discussion we were having on 2+2 when we were all like 23 years old. This guy is the biggest fraud out there in a very crowded field.

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BTW, this is in part why student loan payments are coming back. Bernstein is a Biden advisor. They think the economic numbers will look better next year when people burn savings and are forced to return to work. Student loan payments restarting will help accelerate that process.

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The student loan thing is peak Democrat, a complete own goal.

BuT hOw ArE wE gOnNa PaY fOr It?!?!?

Man, I’m glad we got inflation under control, all the voters were upset about that.


The idea that normal people are going to stage a political revolt over 5% inflation is patently absurd. They’re not mad that milk is a dime higher, they’re mad housing costs half their income. And yet we get garbage like this:


I agree that inflation is overemphasized by technocrats. Economists and investment people and policy makers LOVE to talk about inflation. Having said that, poorer people do really notice inflation. When you’re running out of money each week the dimes start to matter.


Anyone who is actually that poor has gotten significant cash from the Biden Administration. The idea there will be some mass defection from Democrats (presumably to Republicans, who offer absolutely nothing) because inflation is 5% is lunacy.


That would be fair if Dems had ever properly managed the messaging about literally anything ever. They are going to run around apologizing for the Inflation Crisis and that will be that.


So true!

Disagree, everyone can see higher prices in the store and at the pump and it’s clearly more than 5%

yeah they won’t revolt, but congress will flip if this continues.

real economists don’t really talk about inflation with alarm that much. it is probably because raising prices of a subset of goods/services is usually not inflationary, but rather effect of monopolies, tariffs, seasons, or supply chains. true, inflation used to be a much bigger problem, like in the canonical examples of the 70s or some south american countries. but those crises are substantively different from modern advanced economies with functional central bank monetary policies. it’s been awhile since we experienced multiple years of rising prices of even 5%, much less double digit inflation. IANAE, but my understanding is that inflation would have to be chronically high before it would snowball over entire economies.

but what we see are things like the timber thing (resolved), the nat gas in europe (seasonal and covid-related). chip shortage for car is going to eventually resolve. gasoline feels annoyingly self-inflicted, but at least there it’s yet another argument to accelerate transition to electric.