The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

religious tax exemption is as good as federal funding. it’s a god damn travesty.

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sure, but when dems win 51% of the Senate vote in 22 and 24 but only have 43 Senators, Churches being tax exempt is way, way down on the list of problems…

Welp that seems…bad

Siri, how do I piss off and alienate suburban types needed to fade fascism?

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LOL somebody tell me these guys aren’t paid to lose now. Fuck it we should all join the GOP and be done with it. Better chance of doing something good from within the party that’s paid to win than from within the party that’s paid to lose.

Every time Toothsayer called us cucks he was right.

This is straight up political suicide. We’re better off doing nothing than letting this become law. Those people fucking vote and between this and nothing on student loans they’re going to be very understandably pissed.

I get a lot of people ITT think that we should be helping the less fortunate first and that the upper middle class has enough so they should sit down and shut up… but that’s idealistic wish casting that won’t help you when you’re in a reeducation camp.

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Plus the child tax credit goes away. Good job everyone great work!

Burn baby, burn!

BREAKING: Sen. Joe Manchin has told associates in recent days that he is considering leaving the Democratic Party. And not only that: He has a two-step exit strategy already planned.

Bye bitch. And don’t come back.

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I mean lol Dems but that’s never ending up in the bill
That’s just some bullshit moderates are leaking.

Progressive would never approve that

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I agree, but Manchin has insisted this gets means tested and this what means testing looks like.

They can scrap the provision or scrap the wage increase to make this more palatable

Yeah at this point just nuke the whole thing. They’re rewarding the terrorists, again. Enough.

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100% put a decent bill out there and make them vote it down.

Make it clear if it doesn’t pass neither does the bi partisan one.

Im kind of thinking they want it to fail and think progressive will buck under the pressure. Once the reconciliation bill fails everyone will be all in on we must at least pass the bi partisan bill.

Media and even Democrats will go hard at them.

That said Omar confirmed there are over 50 house members who on board with not voting for biartisan bill until reconciliation

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Nothing gets better incrementally at this point. This WAS incremental and it’s getting whittled down by bad faith actors allowed to walk around without fear because they think they have a board lock. Now it’s at the point where it’s actually worse in some ways than nothing? This is on purpose. This is the message: try to make change and you will be outmaneuvered and blocked. There will always be enough to bribe.

Demographically I think millennials are going to fix things when they reach boomer age… In 40 years. If the country lasts that long. The faster way is to have some people get metaphorically punched in the face. In B4 someone mocks me for accelerationism or something.

Feels bad.

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I don’t know how much more evidence they need about the difficulties of bipartisanship.


Pretty sure Manchin would still oppose this


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Shocking that manchin couldn’t deliver.

Could it be he is just a jackass?

They really think the republican voting base will hold this
Lack of cooperation against republicans. lol.