The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They just figured this out? Manchin’s terms suck, but you can at least count on what he says for the most part. Sinema is a crazy person.

Yeah. I’ve been saying it’s way more incompetence than complicity. Yeah they’re complicit in they want to keep things mostly the same and remain in power, but passing the infrastructure bill doesn’t threaten the first and helps with the 2nd.

They’re just unbelievably stupid and out of touch. It’s incredible

What you’re missing is they are being intentionally misclassified as independent contractors so that employers can avoid paying benefits and FICA. This has been a “thing” that’s received a lot of attention in the past decade with some states trying to crack down on it.

Millennials aren’t going to fix shit.

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I will take your opinion under advisement.

Ok boomer.

Yes we are!

Absolutely right as it will be much too late.

I agree that there will not be institutions strong enough at that point to actually fix things. The “fix” will be that millenials accept a dramatically lower quality of consumer lifestyle and that’s that. The economy will shrink and make things worse. Climate change will happen and make things worse. There will be a new normal with less affluence, more violence, more natural disasters. It’s gonna suck but sometimes things suck.


Sinema seems kinda nutty. She was valedictorian of her high school but then went to BYU (apparently on a scholarship), graduating at 18. (I realize BYU can be big for Mormons, but it’s still has 67% acceptance) She then went to on to be a social worker…a perfectly respectable job but unusual for a 21 y/o college grad to start out as. What did she do as a “star” student in college such that she went straight into social work, not usually seen as a launching pad for the ambitious? Why not major in science or go pre-med?

She has this weird mishmash of high achiever but in “nontraditional” areas. Taught law school! a dicy for-profit law school. Earned a PhD! “justice studies”. I’m getting like “alternative medicine” vibes from her, like “smart” but not smart.

Some quotes from a 2018 WaPo profile below.

Sinema is a bracingly unfiltered talker, a precocious achiever, a high-energy persuader, an adjunct professor, a lawyer, a marathon runner, a lover of designer clothes. She is a holder of many, many degrees — this she’s happy to tell you in a humble-braggy sort of way. And she can be a lot of fun to hang out with, a rambling, kind of kooky monologist who can pivot from whimsical and wacky to substantive and earnest without a pause.

On her runs, Sinema can smell the poverty. Poverty smells like cheap laundry soap, she says. It smells like vagrants and stray cats. Like the poverty she grew up with, the poverty she runs past motivates her. This is what drives her, she says, not her sexual orientation or beliefs about religion or anything else.

“I got straight A’s,” she says. “Okay, I got one B in fifth grade because I was talking too much in math class. I was chatty.”

She does seem like someone who likes to get her way, a fighter who stands her ground, but who somehow also focuses on cordial relationships with right wingers? A staunch fighter against poverty…with serious concerns about corporate tax rates.

Parraz says he clashed with Sinema over his group’s plans to stage a media event critical of Pearce [AZ “papers please” law author] at the capitol a few days after the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords. Sinema called to tell him that it would be inappropriate, Parraz says. “That ended with her raising her voice, almost like a small child who didn’t get her way,” Parraz recalls. “You’re talking to someone who thinks she knows everything. It’s her way or the highway.”

Every single thing I have ever read about her screams “insufferable narcissist.”


I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s not really bisexual but just says she is for the attention.

I mean I guess not every, or even most congress people, lay out some kind of coherent political philosophy, but I can tell you what Warren, Biden, Bernie, or even John Tester, Adam Schiff, or Feinstein more or less believe. There aren’t a huge number of worldviews out there.

She’s a professor and a lawyer with a PhD, I’d think she’d be able to articulate a pretty detailed political philosophy, but if she’s every communicated one I’m unaware of it.

I mean who knows. She did work hard to defeat an anti same-sex bill, one of her only real accomplishments afaict.

Yes poverty drives her, that’s why she’s so vocal about raising the minimum wage and helping the poor with spending on social programs :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


I’d rather have someone who is antigay but somewhere in the Bernie-Warren range on economics.

Gotta check those spreadsheets to see if the thing that drives her is ok to spend on

Edit: just realized, she must have meant that motivates her not to be in poverty I got it now

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I read something earlier today saying McCain was her role model and that she serves or served on a military board of some sort.

Just another ex-social worker with a PhD in justice studies who is really concerned about the troops.

Well, here’s her dissertation, focused on the Rwanda Genocide. I may skim a few pages. Who must die: the state of exception in Rwanda's genocide

(Someone please do a podcast on it.)

Edit: well, here’s a podcast on Sinema from Mother Jones from about three months ago:

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