The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

There is a structural messaging advantage that Republicans have. The things that Republicans advocate for are inherently (and satisfyingly) easy to explain.

i.e. “Taxes are bad. It’s your money”. “We don’t need government getting involved in your healthcare”. There isn’t really any left wing analog to those.

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Following the minutae of who’s voting for what is self-abuse to the highest degree.

This might just be more of his blustering bullshit. No real intent in changing parties, just a power play to progressives. Give me what I need any or I change sides!

He has way less leverage being a republican with Biden in office. Once republicans have the Senate literally nothing is getting passed and his donors won’t need to bribe him to make that happen.

I’m going with it’s a bluff. Never seen someone talk out of the both sides of their mouth as much as manchin

I aM wHeRE I aM

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He’s not a Republican and he’s not threatening to become a Republican. I think he’s legitimately a true independent who occupied the no man’s land between parties. In a way, he’s just threatening to make official what was already true.

Bernie’s op-ed caused such a profound epiphany in Manchin’s heart, he’s going to “leave the Democrats” and become a Democratic Socialist!


Anyways, the Founding Fathers envisioned the Senate as being composed of a bunch of Joe Manchins each pursuing independent goals. So, he’s what America is supposed to be.

Lol Founders.



WASHINGTON—Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s opposition to tax increases is causing Senate Democrats to look at financing their sprawling social policy and climate package without raising tax rates on businesses, high-income individuals or capital gains, according to people familiar with the matter.

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So uh, raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it?

Sounds great.

Sign me up for the Dems in 2022.


Other planks of President Biden’s tax agenda, including tightening the net on U.S. companies’ foreign earnings and enhancing tax enforcement by the Internal Revenue Service, are still on the table, according to one of the people familiar with the matter.

So yeah, pretty much, guess everyone is getting a combined $1.7 trillion of robo letters.

With SALT changes should end up being a tax cut for the wealthy

Joe Biden’s intern robotweets about the rich paying their fare share like 12 times a day, this cannot happen this way lmao Dems

Boom. Like I said manchin is not changing parties. He would lose leverage plus yes about to retire. Dudes not going to do his career as a democrat and then change parties for his last 3 years. Republicans can’t offer him shit. Even donors prefer to have him as a democrat. He can nuke whatever they don’t want and pass shit they do.

Cinema won’t either. 50 seats in a trifecta is the most leverage a senator will ever have




Guys guess what, the voting rights bill (which includes national voter ID) got zero GOP votes and is completely dead.

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How could this possibly happen? I thought with the national voter ID it was a lock. Democrats should try to compromise more. They’ll get the reps on board eventually!

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Can someone explain to me why time was spent today on something that appears to be Matt Gaetz providing “testimony” to the Jan6 committee on whether or not Bannin should be held in contempt?

File this under the “mildly interesting” category. A short list of amendments that were never approved. Some of these would have been amazing…others not so much.

I particularly like the idea that personal wealth be limited to a million in 1933 dollars, adjusted for inflation.


I like 1916


If they pass the one from 1938 I’m declaring myself a sovereign nation.


1876 —the second one is fine, the first would the next best thing to forming amore perfect union.