The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

We basically have to wait for boomers to die off now. Not just the voters but the ones running the democratic party.

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Biden and Pelosi arent boomers as they are too old.

Manchin is barely one, so your point holds.

I thought Manchin and Sanders were wheeling and dealing to the final version.

Sanders represents the progressives

Manchin represents Manchin and the coal companies errr the moderates.

nothing matters anyway if costs donā€™t come back down

Man maybe Iā€™m a cockeyed optimist / SweetSummerChild / wishful thinking as usual, but I think some of yā€™all are a bit too cynical.

After all the chaos and uncertainty, along with the messaging about Dems in turmoil and tearing themselves apart, passing any bill will be seen as a victory (it may be short-lived, but a victory nonetheless).

Most people (unfortunately) want to see compromise and bipartisanship, they actually prefer what they see as gradual progress through half measures. The alternative is revolution and that is scary.


  • Bannon will be prosecuted
  • both infrastructure and a 1.75T reconciliation bill will be signed by the end of the year
  • Biden approval rating will be above 50% by the end of the year
  • prices will begin to come back down in Q1, including gas, and nobody will be talking about inflation




But beyond her, I dont think they have an idea what to do yet with climate. Progressives may grumble and take half a loaf on social programs, but Im not sure they will punt climate and Manchin is pretty firm on this being a fossil fuel friendly bill. Thats the hardest piece of it to me.

tbh I never understood the endgame. Progs want things done, everyone else wants status quo. Progsā€”vote for both or weā€™ll shoot. Everyone elseā€”no, please, stop, lol. Thatā€™s probably not nuanced enough as mods probably do want the smaller roads bill.

I like how Bannon getting got is the most optimistic possible outcome.

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Cracks me up every time I hear a shitlib cuck call these people stupid. Guess what, they demand their politicians deliver for them, and threaten to burn it all down if they donā€™t get what they want. They donā€™t bend over for fucking war criminals like Colin Powell. I swear to Christ if we shot every person who tweeted that schitts creek was funny the Democratic Party would be half as big but twice as strong. Theyā€™re not stupid, youā€™re stupid you fucking fuckwits. Hug a toaster and jump in a tub.

(This is not directed personally at rm)


lmao with the schittā€™s creek crossfire :joy_cat:

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The situations arenā€™t the same at all though. Democrats are a massively broad coalition and modern republicans only give a shit about culture war, racism, and owning the libs.

I agree Dem voters are awful too though. The most eye opening moment or my political life was watching that Iowa primary where they interviewed Dem primary voters. They were so uninformed it was sad. It was like my biggest issue is universal healthcare and thatā€™s why I support Joe Biden lol.

Another huge difference is the cast majority of Dems are casual about politics while republicans entire lives revolve around it. Every republican I know watches right wing mediw all day, listen to it on the radio, follows it online, goes to school board meetings etc.`


You go to a gym that serves a conservative area and fox is on every tv. A liberal area is going to be about eating healthy or yoga or some random shit.

Hate and anger is a way stronger emotion than simply wanting better policy or whatever.



LOL Biden just needs to talk to him a few more times and we are fine!



VORP exploded.

Joe Manchin basically the next Arlen Specter

It is a little complicated by the fact that the mods believe the infrastructure bill helps their reelection hopes and, in a world with no bills, the progressive faction is mostly in safe seats that can ride out a red wave.

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More like the next Benedict Arnold. Literally selling out the country.

And cheap. I was all in on team VORP, but obviously Manchin isnā€™t going to be our Susan Collins.

Honestly guys I think itā€™s time for this older millennial to embrace his inner nihilist like every generation before ultimately has. Iā€™ll help when I can IRL, but following all of this is just awful for me and is doing about as much good as personally quitting single use plastics.