The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I agree. Chamber of Commerce types are not hated on enough. I think they are mostly boys clubs for white supremacist failson business owners. But I am sure that centrist Dems probably imagine that they are Reasonable Republicans.

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Because fuck you

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why aren’t they reporting this as 7.26 TRILLION


Because that would assume that it’s going to stay constant over that time frame. Probably will be more like $8 trillion after all is said and done.


Things seem to be going just great guys

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So it’s just going to end up with money for coal? Sounds great. Should sweep the midterms.

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Surprised they didn’t time the child tax credit to stop payment Nov 1 2022.

Climate change also isn’t a debate, it is Manchin’s red line. There won’t be anything meaningful in there which makes me more confused about how much they are gutting the social spending.

Paid leave also from 12 weeks to 4 weeks.

Given the battle here is really centrist Dems Vs progressive Dems, and that the progressive Dems are in the safer seats, if fair voting past 2022 was gonna be a thing we’d definitely be past the point where progressives should walk away from the table and let the centrists burn

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I have no idea what to do with this. I mean, how do you predict the behavior of these Neanderthals?

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Because it’s “only” 0.726 Trillion?

I think the reference is they use the single year for the defense budget but the infrastructure bill is referenced in a 10 year time frame.


Ohhh yea that makes sense. Carry on, and lol media.

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My pony is operating on a 10 year time frame


In any state the Dems can prevent an audit they should be funding Superpac ads telling voters to refuse to vote unless an audit occurs.


If everyone in power were trying their hardest to give Trump a second term with 60+ GOP senators in 2024, what would be happening differently?


They’ll vote. They’ll claim to be principled but they aren’t.

So the progressives are just caving and are going to pass Manchin’s version of the reconciliation? When did this happen? Seems like out of nowhere in the past 24 hours I’ve seen a bunch of stories like “all of the things you like are being taken out of the bill, according to a source”. Are the progressives going to come out and explain why they’re doing this? We had a whole thing last month, guys - you withheld your vote on the other bill. What happened?

I haven’t seen progressives get behind the bill yet, or Sinema for that matter. They might, everyone is somewhat incentivized to deal, but climate is the heaviest lift and I haven’t seen any progress there.

I’m sure there is some good stuff in the bill that will actually help some people, but politically this is a total failure.

What is a normal person going to think of this bill? Nothing. They don’t know what’s in it or how it will benefit them. The messaging is atrocious. What Republicans do well is relentlessly hammer home a few easily understood talking points. It really shouldn’t be that hard to run with “we’re raising taxes on rich people and corporations to pay for _______.” But Democrats.

It’s going to end up being an orgy of means-tested corporate welfare programs. Even the people that benefit won’t associate it with Democrats because their communication with voters is so bad. WAAF


Similarly, the people that will benefit will need to go through annoying means-testing hoops and will hate it. Dems will politically suffer from the “look at how annoying and bureaucratic and inefficient the government is” narratives and spend all their time on defense about that instead of on offense about how Rs are offering no help at all.