The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It’s entirely predictable how this ends: tens of millions of people will eventually end up getting a bill for $47.02 that they allegedly owe with penalties and interest due to some technical unprovable bullshit that would cost $5k to see through court. Those revenue projections are baked and that money isn’t coming from billionaires.

Right. I have my shit together and even I just gave up and paid when I got a letter asking me to prove an HSA expense from 2+ years back was actually spent on health care. Fuck off.

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The issue is that the political landscape is such that ditching it means cutting another $460 billion from the bill.

I heard someone the other day advising people to start saving now for it.

Like wtf.

Wile e coyote of a country we have

Weird, I don’t see any mention in this wapo article either.

In fairness though, I’m sure I’ve heard Manchin say he’s perfectly capable of being objective about the issue and disregarding his personal stake, so no reason to even waste ink mentioning it.

No preview for wapo? Posting from phone so maybe it’s me. :man_shrugging:

Meh like 10 opposed it

Do you have more details on this?

At this point, just put out the full $3.5T bill and make him vote against it. Hopefully it’ll get Dem voters out to get them two more senators that’ll actually do good shit. Better than the garbage bill they’re going to land on.

Singlehandedly making every policy worse in the name of preventing some imaginary fantasy land of entitlements that every other country has and yet somehow are not just loafing around.

In any case Democrats should still pass it as something is better than nothing but lol at that something.

Loafing around? Don’t you know that workers in those socialist shit hole countries get like 4-6 weeks vacation a year?!?!

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I got a check for “advance child tax credit payment” today, there is zero chance I qualify for this, lol IRS

They’re going to hope you cash it, then follow up with a letter saying you owe it back to them with a $500 fine.

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Did you get the full amount?

My wife and I get about $200/mo of it. 1 kid.

Lol New York Times.


That should keep the NYTimes out of the shitty media thread for 5 or 10 minutes.

Wonder how many people read that and don’t connect the dots.

I’d like to think the author is making a not-so-subtle barb about who Manchin’s real constituents are, one that will nevertheless sail over the heads of most readers.

You’re giving them WAYYYYYYYYYYY too much credit

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Joint income has to be pretty high for it to be eliminated completely.

Somebody tell Joe Manchin about the $2000 tax credits being sent to families making $399,000.

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NYT reporters are very sophisticated—they have to be able to hold their own at fancy Manhattan cocktail parties as well as Midwestern diners!

Surely there’s nobody more cognizant about the question of who one’s real constituents are than a national political reporter. :wink: