The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

He really solved our trade deficit with China though

Good thing Biden did absolutely nothing and the tariffs are still in place or that would probably be in the trillions.

I need this app.

White House has accepted the clean electricity program is out of the reconciliation bill as a Manchin red line and is moving on to cobble together second best options per The NY Times.

This is absolutely the most important climate policy in the package,” said Leah Stokes, an expert on climate policy, who has been advising Senate Democrats on how to craft the program. “We fundamentally need it to meet our climate goals. That’s just the reality. And now we can’t. So this is pretty sad.”

Manchin is nuking it to make $500,000 a year. $500,000. In the context of a tens of trillions of dollars issue. Lol america

Hey now, I’m pretty sure his son makes a few million off the company too!

So the word is they essentially tried this and Manchin rejected it as welfare.

Our political system is completely broken. And the people in power defending it are those who represent the people getting fucked. Enjoy the next 3 years folks.

That’s the amazing thing. Getting so many people to vote against their own self interest in favor of the interests of a few.

All I hear is “they are all lying” and “how can anyone figure out what’s true”.

Democrats only chance is openly campaigning against these two fucking scumbags. Starting yesterday.

It’s pretty obvious the reconciliation bill isn’t passing.

Yeah it is pretty dead

“Millions of jobs are open, supply chains are strained and unavoidable inflation taxes are draining workers’ hard-earned wages as the price of gasoline and groceries continues to climb. Senator Sanders’ answer is to throw more money on an already overheated economy while 52 other Senators have grave concerns about this approach,” Manchin said, lumping himself firmly with Sinema and the 50 Senate Republicans.

Steelhouse inflation tax comes to the Senate!


… and now the whole failure gets pinned on Bernie for being mean to Joe Manchin. WHY IS BERNIE SO DIVISIVE THIS IS WHY REPUBLICANS WON’T WORK WITH US!!!


“Already overheated economy”

Given that West Virginia as of 2019 had a child poverty rate of roughly 20 percent, [Manchin] should be the first one cheering the proposed extension of the child tax credit, universal pre-K and subsidized child care.


I love how journalists still pretend these assholes give a flying fuck about their constituents

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What’s an “overheated” economy anyway, one where we fucked up and gave the dirty poors too much free money that we now need to means test back with taxes? Let’s see what Wikipedia says

High levels of aggregate demand tend to be the cause of overheating. If short run aggregate demand exceeds long run aggregate supply, then the excess demand for goods must be met via the over-employment of resources. This may be achieved by employing workers for extra shifts or using machinery beyond their recommended working hours. This type of production is considered unsustainable because the over-employment cannot be supported indefinitely. Overheating can be prevented by means of constant infrastructure expansion to eliminate bottlenecks.

Huh, guess we better pass the absolute bare minimum infrastructure bill then.



Lol what a fucking pimp.

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POLE: how many times does the article below mention Manchin’s personal coal interests?

  • 0
  • Of course 0
0 voters
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I saw this was trending again which means they are totally going to do this unfathomably stupid thing aren’t they? This is basically anti-populism: choose a policy that 99% of all voters will absolutely fucking hate.

Student loan payments restart in a few months, what could go wrong.

Don’t do anything to crack down on the donor class, send robo letters to little guys who can’t fight back. Such a mystery why people fall into the arms of the resentment and grievance party.