The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It’s been going on since Nixon.

Even if Dems win, the Dem coalition at this point includes what is popularly called on the right the Deep State. We cheered on intelligence leaks against Trump etc because obviously, but look what happened to Bidens approval rating when he dared go against the Blob on Afghanistan. What is needed is a popular uprising within the Dems which seems easily 20 years away. Look how little America has really progressed in policy terms since the Iraq War.

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I mean I don’t think we even get there in 20 years. I think if we got HR1 during this session, we could get there in 20 years. But without it, it feels hopeless.

I guess when most of the boomers are dead there might be a huge shift, but we still have Republicans having rigged the game with their voting laws, and they aren’t going to just give up power. But 20 years is a super long time, and I expect shit to get SUPER bad with the government being completely and entirely dysfunctional. So who knows.

And yeah the media is our biggest enemy. The left needs their own version of right wing radio. We need thousands of independent content producers who have tens of millions of listeners. Problem is,radio is almost dead, and podcasts are FAR away from ever having that kind of reach.

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Every Republican president in recent history except maybe Bush I pushed the Overton window hard right and there’s been no force resetting it left. Reagan introduced the idea that government and public service is inherently evil and it’s okay for unqualified morons to be president. Bush II introduced a permanent fascist security apparatus and a massive erosion of civil liberties. Trump’s great innovation was to dispense with dogwhistles and just say the Nazi stuff out loud.

Democrats have held the line a bit and made marginal improvements in healthcare, environmental protection and civil rights, but nothing ever pushes the Overton window back to the left. Bernie and AOC are like the only ones suggesting that we don’t need W’s ICE goon squad anymore, and they’re almost completely off the map.


Yeah was going to say, Republicans got a five minute time out because of Nixon but they quickly reestablished and reimplemented their plan.

Imagine Nixon leads to four years of Carter and Trump leads to four years of Biden. The Democrats simply don’t understand the game at all.

Adult vs two year old tic tac toe for 50 years.

The older generations on the so called left don’t want to win. Fundamentally, RBG was closer to Scalia than you or me. All that really made her notable was that she deeply wanted women to have the same opportunities to be capitalist, fascist pigs as men and she fought hard to achieve that.




They were best friends and voted very similarly on issues like policing powers. Their differences were rearranging the deck chairs on a fundamentally fascistic world view. Same way that the military and police budgets only go up every single year regardless of whether Ds or Rs are in power.

Not to mention the tolerance for naked corruption on both sides. Yes, not every D is openly behaving as cravenly as Sinema and Manchin themselves, but the consensus view should be that their behavior is criminal, and they should be openly treated and discussed as criminals by their colleagues.

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I don’t get it?

Probably referring to the supply chain problems and putting all the blame on Biden.

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It’s a weird right wing fiction that is being pushed hard.

There are clearly supply chain issues but not sure what it has to do with Biden.

I saw a tiktok of the harbor in Long Beach and huge container ships liter the water. My issue is I have no idea what it nornally looks like.

They also are using this to accuse Biden of ruining Christmas.

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i am not too familiar with rbg’s entire work legacy, nor an expert on policing the police. i just want to point out that everyone can’t be perfectly progressively aligned as your own view. it’s a very wide spectrum of what we consider left-wing attitudes. some may erroneously credit more benefit to police as public servants, vs say irs inspectors or public health spokespersons, not to mention teachers and doctors and lawyers. but it’s still a very wide and fat distribution of people, and each slice of the movement has separately important roles. what i mean is that in order to shift societies to the left, there needs to be all sorts of people pushing for change on an intersecting number of issues. at least in spirit, your or my view on police as a part of the leftward movement is more consistent to a performative artist like pussy riot, who i believe is collaborating with instagram rappers to sell ACAB nfts, than with rbg and scalia discussing dc vs. keller while hunting for quail, or even couric/rbg discussing poc interactions with police in the lens of lucky to even be here.

the point is that it’s somewhat normal for people to be somewhere on the spectrum, and for societal change to still occur.

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To deplorables, and plenty of lazy mainstream journalists, every single problem in the world is Biden’s X Crisis.

“Savy” Politico type journalists “know” that the President is blamed for everything even if it isn’t his fault. So they just skip straight to acting as if it is Biden’s fault without bothering to learn and inform their audience of the actual facts.

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I mean we blamed Trump for everything.

The press didn’t

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Thanks Obama

Trump dealt with supply chains by (checks notes) placing tariffs on China.

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And this is example #45,009,236 on the right being better at this than Democrats.

They pick something that negatively affects people on a day to day basis and they hammer Democrats with it.

Meanwhile, Democrats are spending a bunch of time on this idiotic January 6th stuff and doing not nearly enough to positively change the lives of people for the better.

They’ve been in charge for 9 months, and I still have no clue what they are going to run on in 2022. They’re going to get slaughtered if this keeps up, and the window of time to alter that trajectory is closing.