The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

You guys laugh, but this is a seminal moment in American history.

This is the leading story on most news sites right now, and it will lead the evening news tonight. The American people realize we are spiraling out of control. The sense of Trump and his cronies being able to act with wholesale impunity has permeated the national psyche and people are finally paying close attention. Whichever way it goes, this event will be recognized as a referendum on the Trumpian culture of lawlessness.

Those who actually hold power realize that the people are paying attention this time and the culprits cannot and will not be permitted to slide. They realize business as usual, where there are no consequences for flagrantly ignoring lawful orders, will surely result in revolution or even worse.

Bannon and all of them who fuck around and try to actually play the ā€œFuck you, make meā€ card this time are going to find out. And itā€™s not going to be pretty.



I got to the third sentence before realizing I should probably check who wrote this.


Could have passed for an Iron post.


I think SSC has a point here, it does seem to be getting a lot of traction compared to past events like this.

Remains to be seen what happens with it obviously. It could just as easily fade from the news cycle quickly (as usual).

It will stay in the news if Dems prioritize it as a talking point.

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I think Iā€™m done sharing or in any way engaging with or being tilted by performative idiocy.

I call


Do this


To be shocked when Sinema actually does vote it down because she dgaf?

Yeah cinema clearly isnā€™t trying to get re elected so she doesnā€™t care.

Depending on the bill though Iā€™d still rather out it up to her and have her vote it down than some shitty weak bill

If reconciliation bill fails you canā€™t do it again right?

That kind of makes me wonder about the Obamacare repeal McCain shot down. Wouldnā€™t have Mitch known that was going to happen? He wouldnā€™t so it without knowing McCain vote.

And repealing it and putting their awful shit in place, which had like 35% approval, would have been horrible electorally for them.

Thinking about it now I wonder if he wanted it to fail and it was mostly for donors and a small portion to say we tried. Or it he dared McCain and McCain shit on him


This is literally the only conspiracy theory I believe - mitch totally knew about mccainā€™s no and brought it to the floor anyways so that he didnā€™t have to throw 15MM americans off of health care.

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a significant mismatch between its composition today and the body politics.

I guess Iā€™m a nit, but LOL. (The author means ā€˜body politicā€™.)

this close identification of Justices with political party could undermine the perception of judicial independence


They can try as many times as they want until time runs out, which I donā€™t know the exact limit but there is a time limit on it. There were a couple of months after the McCain vote where R senators were trotting out other potential repeal plans and really the only thing that saved us in the end was Doug Jones winning (after McCain bit the dust and was replaced by one of the bigger pieces of shit in recent Senate history Jon Kyl).

I messaged into the majority report asking how fucked we are after 2022 if dems lose the house.

Basically they agree, Republicans are going to indefinitely dominate politics with voter suppression, although Matt offered the alternative that they might rig it just enough so that dems still win a chunk of the time but never get a trifecta again.

I was actually hoping they would tell me Iā€™m hysterical and things would be ok :(

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If anything the consensus here is too optimistic. Weā€™re in the eye of a once a century storm.

weā€™ve been in said storm for 20 years. we are just now paying attention.