The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The unifying issue for the Democratic Party is being not-a-Republican.


Lol what a dumb question. Progressive aren’t pushing for anything but Joe fucking Biden plan. Dem voters are dumb and they see that and think Bernie and AOC.

Bernie is out of fucks to give.


Kick me in the fucking dick why did I scroll down to the comments after reading that article


Kaiser and Kellogs. Lets keep it up. Revolution has to start somewhere

now biden’s stealing christmas

no idea what the hell this is referring to but fuck it neither do they


I suspect that they want to say that the global supply chain snarl is all Biden’s fault.

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Was sitting just behind first class Tuesday night. While I was disgusted that some lady was watching Laura/Fox at least it was only 1/12 which is better than usual.

It is so tilting when Fox News is on in any kind of public place. Doctors office type places, I always just turn it off.


I’d probably get in a LOT of trouble turning off someone’s seat back TV. But yeah I want to.

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“Im sorry maam, but there are children on this plane. Please save your smut for private places.”


One of my old phones had a remote control ability. Point and click and turn random TVs on and off. It would have been great for any FoxNews TV in a public place if you wanted to be discrete about it. As it was, it had no practical purpose other than fucking with people in bars.

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Just playing the cutlure war’s greatest hits.

Obv Biden trying to ban the Christ in Christmas.

My friend lived above a dive bar he managed. His remote was same as the bar TVs so we would be there at happy hour and turn channels from the news and it was hilarious.

We also glued change to the cement outside the off sale and watched people try to get the change loose lmao.

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Us republicans need to oppose this assault on Christmas and Christian values.

Don’t vote. Show them we are serious and won’t be trampled on and won’t cow under their attack on righteousness.

Somehow they won’t vote but still insist the election was stolen.

I know many D voters who have stated their belief in the “dumb bartender who doesn’t know how stuff works” canard involving AOC. (To be fair they strip out the latina bit for politeness)
That there is the root cause - the Washington generals nature of the D party is actually loved by that section of it’s base that as options.

We got him!


Moving forward with proceedings!